WELCOME BACK!!! It is hard to believe that school will begin in just one more week! Teacher planning is this week along with a few band events. Please look over everything carefully. This is the last week to get those last minute back to school items!
Car Wash - We have finally completed our annual band car wash. Thank you to all of the parents that helped chaperone this event. Thank you to all of the students for getting after it and having fun at this. We washed a total of 179 vehicles between both days. Please go ahead and collect pledges and turn these in by Thursday of this week. Please go to the following link to download the official Follow-up Letter to show to your folks if needed:
Marching Band Rehearsals - We return with marching band rehearsals this week. Our normal rehearsals during the school year are Tuesdays 6pm-8:30 and Thursdays 4pm-7pm. We may vary these rehearsals depending on circumstances that may arise, i.e. Thursday games, weather, necessity, etc. In these events, we will communicate well ahead of time. This week we have an adjusted schedule since school has not started yet. Please see times below.
Attendance - It is VITAL that all students are at all rehearsals and performances! The band is negatively affected when students are absent. A big portion of the band grade, beit marching, concert, indoor, or more, is attendance. Students will receive a zero in the gradebook for each absence. Depending on the situation, students may make up these absences with an assignment given by the directors. This could be a one hour practice session at the band room outside of normal rehearsal times, an essay, pass-offs, etc. Remember, while performances are required, they are also earned and a privilege. Directors reserve the right to deny performances for any student if deemed that the students is not holding up to the standards and responsibilities of the band; this does include in other classrooms as well. To put it simply, just be present and prepared.
Band Hall Cleaning Day - We are asking that all leadership and any others meet at the band hall for a cleaning and reorganizing day on Monday at 2pm. As you know, we have brand new floors and we need to get things back in the appropriate places as well as deep clean what we can. Volunteer hours will be given for this. If you have any cleaning towels or supplies that you would like to donate for this, please send them our way. Also, if you have a vacuum cleaner aor a swiffer power mop, that we could use during this. We will not keep those items.
Chaperone Meeting - We will be holding a chaperone info meeting this coming Monday, August 5th at 5pm-6pm in the band hall. All guardians wanting to chaperone any event this year (Games, Competitions, Performances, etc.) will need to make plans to attend this meeting.
DCI Watch Party - This Saturday, we are planning a Drum Corp International (DCI) watch party in the band room 3pm-8pmish. If you have never seen or heard of DCI, we invite you to come out and watch on the big screen in the band room. You may come and go as you please. You may also bring your own dinner or have it delivered. We are asking that you please bring a towel or blanket to set up "picnic style" on our new floors. This is the finals performance for DCI. We will hopefully also be cheering on our own Even Pittman in the Troopers. GOOD LUCK EVEN!!
First Game - Believe it or not, our first game is on the Thursday of the first week of school. We will be performing at the Kickoff classic since it is at home. We will continue to be in summer uniform for the time being.
Uniform Fittings - We have scheduled uniform fittings for Tuesday, August 13th 3:45-5:30. All new winds and percussion students as well as any veteran students needing a new sized uniform top will need to plan to attend.
Loading Crew and Bus Sign-ups - This week we will be posting bus sign-ups for the season. Also, our Band captain and co-captain will start to take sign-ups for loading crew interest. More about these on Tuesday.
That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful week!
This Week:
- Monday
- Teacher Planning Begins
- 2pm - Leadership and others Band Hall Cleaning Day
- 5pm - Chaperone Info Meeting
- 6pm - MHSBPA Board Meeting
- Tuesday
- Teacher Planning
- 6pm-9pm - Marching Band Rehearsal
- Wednesday
- Teacher Planning
- Thursday
- Teacher Planning
- 5:30-7pm - MHS Open House
- 7:15-9pm - Marching Band Rehearsal
- Car Wash Pledges Due
- Friday
- Teacher Planning
- Saturday
- 3pm-8pmish - DCI Watch Party at the Band Room
- Tues - Uniform Fittings, Marching Band Rehearsal, MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
- Thurs - HOME Game vs Choctaw HS