All-County - I want to invite everyone to the SRC All-County concert this Saturday at Pace Assembly of God at 2pm. This is a FREE concert featuring the top musicians in Santa Rosa County for middle and high schools. Come on out and share the experience of two wonderful performances.
FBA S&E - FBA S&E is right around the corner. Ms. Julia will be coming in at various times to practice with those students that have her as your accompanist. Please make sure that you find time to practice all Solos and Esembles. Students will need to organize practice sessions either before school, after school, or at homes. Please make sure you talk to me about any planned after school practices so I can plan as well. We should have the performance schedule soon.
Band Fees - Now that the new year and second semester is upon us, it is time to make the final payments for all band and indoor fees. All accounts have been updated with the BPA incentive volunteer discount. Payments can be made online or directly to the money box. If using checks to make separate payments to various fees, please use separate checks per fee. It is imperative that all fees are paid ASAP.
BPA Concession Sales at Weber's Skateworld - The BPA will have our concessions trailer set up at Webers Skateworld in Milton on MLK Weekend from January 16th -20th for the Emerald Coast inline skating competition. We need lots of volunteers to make this event successful. This event has multiple shifts per day beginning at 5:30am till 6:30pm. Again, this is broken into multiple shifts. PARENTS, WE NEED YOU HELP. Students may help on the weekend if they wish. Please signup through CutTime or reach out to Arlene Wires at 850-910-5636 or [email protected].
That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful week.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following Students according to CutTime:
Evelyn Denius - Tuesday
Emily Woodward - Wednesday
Riley Helton - Saturday
Sierra Clark - Saturday
Sir Elijah DeShazier - Saturday
This Week:
- Monday
- MLK Day (No School)
- 5:30am-6:30pm - BPA Concession Sales at Weber's Skateworld
- 6:30-8:30 - IP Rehearsal
- Tuesday
- 3:45-5pm - Symphonic Clarinet Sectional
- 6pm-9pm - Varsity Winterguard Rehearsal
- 6:30-8:30 - IP Rehearsal
- Wednesday
- 3:45-5pm - Symphonic Flute & Oboe Sectional
- Thursday
- 4pm-6pm - JV Winterguard Rehearsal
- 6pm-9pm - All-County Rehearsal
- 6pm-9pm - Varsity Winterguard Rehearsal
- Friday
- 9am-5pm - All-County Rehearsal
- Saturday
- 8am-10am - All-County Rehearsal at Pace Assembly
- 2pm - All-County Concert at Pace Assembly
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
- Mon - JV Winterguard Rehearsal, IP Rehearsal
- Tues - Symphonic Band Rehearsal, Concert Band Woodwind Sectional, Concert Band Flutes Sectional, Varsity Winterguard Rehearsal
- Wed - Panther Percussion Rehearsal
- Thurs - Battery Perform for ROTC Inspection, Symphonic Brass Sectional, Concert Band Sectional, Varsity Winterguard Rehearsal
- Fri - IP Rehearsal
- Sat - Indoor Competition at South Walton HS
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!