All-State - A big CONGRATULATIONS to Josiah Hall for a wonderful concert at the 2025 FMEA All-State convention. The HS Symphonic Band played some very challenging pieces and Josiah represented well. Great Job!
Individual Band Pics - Kay Brown Photography will be in the band room this Wednesday and Thursday. ALL band students will have their picture taken whether or not you are ordering pictures. Please CLICK HERE to see the order form for prices. Mrs. Kay will handle all money. Checks can be made out to Kay Brown Photography. You can also order online by CLICKING HERE.
All-County Band Rehearsal - This Thursday is the first of the All-County rehearsals. This will be held at the MHS Band Room 6pm-8:30. Attendance is required. Any student that is not present will forfeit their chair in the band.
BPA Concession Sales Volunteers - We have a very big volunteer opportunity for all parents and students next week starting on Thursday morning through Monday afternoon for the MLK Emerald Coast inline speed skating competition at Webers Skateworld right here in Milton. . There will be speed skating teams here from all over the US and even some International teams as well. We are the only food vendor for this event and it will be very busy. We are still in need of lots of volunteers so that this will be a successful weekend. If you would like to help us out, there are lots of open shifts, please sign up on CutTime. Email Arlene Wires for further information [email protected].
Band Fees - Now that the new year and second semester is upon us, it is time to make the final payments for all band and indoor fees. All accounts have been updated with the BPA incentive volunteer discount. Payments can be made online or directly to the money box. If using checks to make separate payments to various fees, please use separate checks per fee. It is imperative that all fees are paid ASAP.
Calendar Fundraiser - It has been a little over a month since we kicked off the calendar fundraiser. Students have a chance to earn $496+ dollars with this. You simply get folks to sponsor you on a certain day, and that person will pay you the amount of that day; i.e. January 23rd = $23, etc. All calendars and money is due by February 7th. CLICK HERE for a hard copy of the calendar.
Symphonic Band Sectionals - Please be aware that we will begin Symphonic after school sectionals this week. See the schedule below.
BPA Concession Sales at Weber's Skateworld - The BPA will have our concessions trailer set up at Webers Skateworld in Milton on MLK Weekend from January 16th -20th for the Emerald Coast inline skating competition. We need lots of volunteers to make this event successful. This event has multiple shifts per day beginning at 5:30am till 6:30pm. Again, this is broken into multiple shifts. PARENTS, WE NEED YOU HELP. Students may help on the weekend if they wish. Please signup through CutTime or reach out to Arlene Wires at 850-910-5636 or [email protected].
Band Trip - I will be charging out band trip fees to accounts this week. Remember, currently, the approximate trip fee is $950/person. This may fluctuate as we start reserving and finalizing venues. The deposit of $100 is due this Friday. If you have an overcharge on your account, this can be put towards the trip. You can pay online with CutTime or through our moneybox in the band hall.
MHS BPA Monthly Meeting - This Tuesday night, we will have the January BPA monthly meeting at 7pm in Math West 131. These meetings are very important as we go over info for the band as well as events that the BPA organize and attend to help support our students. We hope to see you there.
BPA Concession Sales at Weber's Skateworld - The BPA will have our concessions trailer set up at Webers Skateworld in Milton on MLK Weekend from January 16th -20th for the Emerald Coast inline skating competition. We need lots of volunteers to make this event successful. This event has multiple shifts per day beginning at 5:30am till 6:30pm. Again, this is broken into multiple shifts. PARENTS, WE NEED YOU HELP. Students may help on the weekend if they wish. Please signup through CutTime or reach out to Arlene Wires at 850-910-5636 or [email protected].
That is all for now. We hope you have a wonderful week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to CutTime:
Gwen Chavez - Today (Sunday)
Josiah Hall - Thursday
This Week:
- Monday
- 3:45-5pm - Symphonic Flutes and Oboe Sectional
- 4pm-8pm - JV Winterguard Rehearsal
- 6:30-8:30 - IP Rehearsal
- Tuesday
- 3:45-5pm - Symphonic Clarinet Sectional
- 6pm-9pm - Varsity Winterguard Rehearsal
- 7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
- Wednesday
- Individual Band Photos
- 3:45-5pm - Symphonic Trombones Sectional
- Thursday
- Individual Band Makeup Pics
- 5:30am-6:30pm - BPA Concession Sales at Weber's Skateworld
- 6pm-9pm - Varsity Winterguard Rehearsal
- 6pm-8:30pm - All-County Rehearsal
- Friday
- Band Trip Deposit Due ($100)
- 5:30am-6:30pm - BPA Concession Sales at Weber's Skateworld
- 6:30pm-8:30pm - IP Rehearsal
- Saturday
- 5:30am-6:30pm - BPA Concession Sales at Weber's Skateworld
- 9:30am-3pm - IP Rehearsal Camp
- Sunday
- 5:30am-6:30pm - BPA Concession Sales at Weber's Skateworld
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
- Mon - MLK Day (No School), BPA Concession Sales at Weber's Skateworld, JV Winterguard Rehearsal, IP Rehearsal
- Tues - Symphonic Clarinet Sectional, Varsity Winterguard Rehearsal, IP Rehearsal
- Wed - Symphonic Flute & Oboe Sectional
- Thurs - All-County Rehearsal, Varsity Winterguard Rehearsal
- Fri - All-County Rehearsal (All Day)
- Sat - All-County Rehearsal, All-County Concert