CLICK HERE for the 2022-23 Chair and Band Placement. Percussion will be placed in the appropriate band later in the semester. As we discussed with the students, we have consolidated the winds into two bands this year; Symphonic and Concert.
Good morning,
HAPPY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!! :-) Just making sure everyone knows that we will have rookie camp today, tomorrow, and Friday 4pm-7pm, rain or shine. We do have contingencies if there is a heavy down-poor. Please plan for all options either outside or inside. Do not forget your water thermos and instruments/music. We will see you this evening! Band Parents,
On Thursday we will have our New Parent Meeting at 7:15 in the band room. Any returning parents are welcome to attend as well. We will be going over a ton of information about the MHS Band. One of the most important parts of this meeting is the SANTA ROSA COUNTY VOLUNTEER FORM. This form MUST be submitted to me and school-board approved in a timely manor in order for you to be able to volunteer in any way with the band or any other organization at Milton High School. I will have these forms available at the meeting, however, if you would like to get a head start on this, please CLICK HERE and fill out the information. You can print it out and give this to me at the meeting. All parents must fill one of these out each year. See you at the meeting :-) Hello All,
Happy last week of school! This will be the last weekly update until the full band returns in July. I have placed the schedule for each week of June at the bottom of this. Please make sure you plan accordingly and keep your calendars up to date with this information. I will give some updates as they occur throughout the next month in regards to various items. Wind Auditions - Thank you to all that submitted their auditions to Flipgrid on time. I have been made aware of just a few technical difficulties here and there. If you had trouble submitting, please come see me (Mr. Schultz) first thing when you arrive at MHS, either in the morning or at Rookie Camp Time. Jazz Auditions - The Jazz Band auditions are due on Flipgrid this Saturday. Any wind player/Piano/Guitar/Bass will ONLY need to submit the jazz prepared piece with the background track. You will NOT need the 12 bar blues improv. Drum Set will need to submit the jazz prepared pieces as well as the different styles stated on the info sheet and website. Please CLICK HERE for more information. Rookie Camp - Rookie Camp is upon us this week. ALL NEW STUDENTS AND LEADERSHIP are required to attend this camp. This is where students will learn how to march and rehearse the various tunes we will play throughout the season. Any returning member are welcome to attend as well. Please make sure you wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes as we will be outside the majority of each day. Also, bring your instruments and music. Also, don't forget sunscreen, deodorant, and any other hygienic items this week. NEW PARENT/PARENT MEETING - We will have a new parent/parent meeting this Thursday in the band room at 7:15pm. This meeting is for all new band parents, however, returning band parents are also invited. We will be going over every piece of information for the MHS band. If you are a new band parent, please make all efforts to be there. Have at least one representation per student. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and putting some faces to names :-) Guard/Percussion Camps - The guard and percussion camps will take place during June. These camps are required, however we will work with pre-scheduled event to a degree during this time. Please communicate with our guard and percussion staff directly any attendance issues. Here is their contact info: Colorguard Director - Sam Byrd [email protected] (850)501-2936 Percussion Director - Chandler Sedlacek [email protected] (850)686-4263 Audition Results - We will be working hard to listen to and evaluate all auditions this week. Please be patient as this process does take some time. As soon as it is ready, we will post the lists on all MHS Band communication routes. Band you have all worked so incredibly hard this year! I could not be more proud of each and every one of you! I hope you enjoy your summer once it begins and you use that time to do some well-earned relaxation! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms: Claire Roberts - Sunday Aiden Everage - Monday Hope Garrett - Friday Sydney Meneou - Friday Brian McKinney - Saturday Autumn McKinney - Saturday This Week: Monday 5th & 6th Period Exams 4pm-7pm - Rookie Camp Tuesday 3rd & 4th Period Exams 5:15pm-9pm - BPA Graduation Drink Sales 7pm - GRADUATION Wednesday LAST DAY of SCHOOL 1st & 2nd Period Exams (Half Day) 4pm-7pm - Rookie Camp Thursday 4pm-7pm - Rookie Camp 4pm-7pm - Uniform Fittings 7:15pm - New Parent/Parent Meeting Friday 4pm-7pm - Rookie Camp Saturday Jazz Band Auditions Due to Flipgrid Week of May 29th - June 4th NO BAND ACTIVITIES Week of June 5th-11th Colorguard Camp 5:30-9pm, Mon.-Thurs. Week of June 12th-18th: Colorguard Camp 5:30-9pm, Mon.-Thurs. BPA Monthly Meeting June 14th, 7pm Week of June 19th-25th: Percussion Camp 6:30pm-9:30pm, Mon.-Fri. USM Drum Major Camp Tues.-Sat. Week of June 26th-July 2nd Percussion Camp 6:30-9:30, Mon.-Fri. Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!! Hello All,
Band Banquet - THANK YOU to all students and parents who decorated and broke everything down for the Band Banquet! Ya'll are rock starts and you made the gym look amazing! New Leadership - Congratulations to the 2022-23 Leadership Team: Head Drum Major - Andres Diaz Co-Drum Major - Ciana Antonio Co-Drum Major - Tag Gilbride Band Captain - Ethan Colon Band Co-Captain - Dylan Merritt Flute Section Leader - Mattie Pierce Flute Assistant Section Leader - Bailey Underwood Clarinet Section Leader - Hope Garrett Clarinet Assistant Section Leader - Logan Campbell Clarinet Assistant Section Leader - Sara Hasler Saxophone Section Leader - Antonio Beare Saxophone Assistant Section Leader - Tyler Metzler Trumpet Section Leader - Carli Carrillo Trumpet Assistant Section Leader - Suzie Holt Mellophone Section Leader - Carly Goodman Trombone Section Leader - Ethan Colon Euphonium Section Leader - Brian McKinney Tuba Section Leader - Andrew Justice Percussion Co-Captain - Savannah Morris Percussion Co-Captain - Jakson Rose Colorguard Captain - Emily Lavergne Colorguard Co-Captain - Mileasha Williams Facilities Officer - Chase Francis Facilities Officer - Irwanna Phillips Music Library Officer - Corinne Carmichael Music Library Officer - Jahnia Hughes Music Library Officer - Bryan Kemp Uniform Officer - Averi Odom Uniform Officer - Kellen Tyree Uniforms and Instruments - I will be sending a list of students who did not turn in their uniform and instruments to the front office for records tags and payment processing this week. If you did not turn in these items, they MUST be turned in by Monday. Leadership Meeting and Camp - We will have a brief meeting this Monday for the new leadership team at 4pm. You may bring food and drinks to this meeting since we have rehearsal right afterwards. We also have a guest speaker coming in this Saturday from 9am-Noon for leadership camp. Make sure you make plans to attend. We are also planning a outing at Adventures Unlimited on Saturday, July 9th. More info to be given at our meeting on Monday. Step-off Rehearsal - We will have our first rehearsal of the 2022-23 marching band Monday evening :-) We will be issuing lockers as well as any school-owned instruments as needed. I will also be going over the audition submission process for all winds. This is a required rehearsal for all new and returning band students. We will begin in the band room then head outside, weather permitting. Make sure you bring instruments and wear comfortable clothing. Halftime Show Reveal - We are trying to have everything together to reveal the halftime show for next year Monday night at the end of the rehearsal. This is just an fyi. Percussion Auditions Camp - The Percussion Audition Camp takes place this week. All students interested in joining the percussion section must attend each day. THIS DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL BE PLACED ON THE PERCUSSION LINE if you are a non-percussionist trying to switch sections. We will work with all King MS students on Thursday of this week since that is the night of your concert. Wind Auditions - The band/chair placement auditions for winds are due this Saturday. There was a misprint on one of the calendars that was sent out saying they were due on the 28th. Again, band/chair placement auditions for winds are due this Saturday, May 21st to Flipgrid. CLICK HERE for instructions. Jazz Auditions - The Jazz Band auditions are due on Flipgrid by Saturday, May 28th. Information and instructions can be found by CLICKING HERE. Rookie Camp - Rookie Camp is just around the corner. All new students and leadership are required to attend. The dates and times are below. We will be outside each day so please plan accordingly in regards to temperatures. Students must attend all 4 days. New Parent/Parent Info Meeting - We will have a new parent info meeting on Thursday, May 26th at 7:15 in the Band Hall. All New parents, please make plans to attend. Any returning parents are welcome to attend as well. We will be going over everything you need to know about the MHS Band and also answer any questions you may have. We also really want to meet all of you and help you in any way we can with this transition to MHS :-) That is all for now. I hope you have a fantastic week! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms: Zachery Skipper - Sunday Salome Ideis-Benton - Monday Carli Carrillo - Tuesday Suzie Holt - Tuesday Kourtney Williams - Wednesday This Week: Monday 4pm - New Leadership Meeting 6pm-8:30 - Step-off Rehearsal (All New & Returning Marching Band Students) 6pm-8:30 - Percussion Audition Camp Tuesday 6pm - Hobbs MS Concert at First Baptist Church, Milton Wednesday Senior 5th & 6th Period Exams 6pm-8:30 - Percussion Audition Camp Thursday Senior 3rd & 4th Period Exams 6pm King MS Concert at King MS Cafeteria 6pm-8:30 - Percussion Audition Camp Friday Senior 1st & 2nd Period Exams 6pm-8:30 - Percussion Audition Camp Saturday ALL WINDS AUDITIONS DUE on Flipgrid 9am-Noon - Leadership Camp Looking Ahead to Next Week: Mon - 5th & 6th Period Exams, Rookie Camp Tues - 3rd & 4th Period Exams, MHS Graduation Wed - Last Day of School, 1st & 2nd Period Exams (Half Day), Rookie Camp Thurs - Rookie Camp, New Parent Meeting Fri - Rookie Camp Sat - Jazz Band Auditions Due Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!! Hello All,
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL OF OUR AMAZING BAND MOMS OUT THERE! Spring Concert - All I can say is WOW! OUTSTANDING job to all of our MB&G Band students for all of the wonderful performances Friday night! We will have the video posted to our YouTube page soon. Band Day - The final performances of the year will bethis Tuesday for Band Day. The full itinerary is below. Students will head to the band hall immediately after 4th period to grab music and instruments then head to the auditorium. Students will wear summer uniform (Claw Shirt NOT Halftime Show Shirt, Blue Jeans/Blue Jean Shorts). Band Day Volunteer Help - Parents, we need your help to serve the pizzas and drinks during the Band Day event. Please be at the softball concession stand behind the band room by 3:30pm. We will begin serving around 4:45. CLICK HERE to sign up or click the yellow hand symbol on the calendar event. Uniforms - Throughout this week, ALL UNIFORMS MUST BE TURNED IN. Students will turn in Jackets, Sashes, Gauntlets, as well as any barrowed items from this year. Please make sure you wash the jackets, CLICK HERE for a cleaning guide. Please place the following information on your hanger: Name, Instrument, Current Grade. We will have a wrack for seniors and non-returning members. Lockers Cleaned - This Friday, all lockers must be cleaned out of all belongings. Students may clean them out at any point during the week as well. Anything left in lockers after Friday will either be donated to Good Will or thrown away. Instruments - All school-owned instruments must be returned by this Friday. We will check out instruments daily for practice purposes as needed. Band Favorites - The Band Favorites ballot is ready for voting. CLICK HERE and read the directions. These are due by Wednesday. Band Captain Speeches - The Band Captain speech video is ready. Students will need to CLICK HERE to access this from our YouTube page. This link is unlisted. Please take time to watch this in full BEFORE the leadership vote on Wednesday. Band Awards Ceremony - The Bud Bell Band Awards Ceremony will take place this Saturday in the MHS Gym. This is a formal event, so dress up as much as you'd like. We will have a social hour to include horderves for all students and invited guests 5pm-6:45. Guests have been given their invites from the BPA. All parents and others are invited to sit in on the awards ceremony beginning around 6:45pm. This will all conclude by around 9pm. We will possibly have a dance for the students afterwards in the gym. Step-off Rehearsal -We will have our first rehearsal of the new marching band on Monday, May 16th 6pm-8:30 in the MHS Band Hall and around the track. We will be issuing lockers as well as instruments. This rehearsal is required. Leadership Camps - For those running for leadership and who make the 2022-23 leadership team, we are planning a leadership camp on May 21st 9am-Noon at the MHS Band Hall. We have a guest speaker/leadership teacher coming in during this. We do not have anything planned after noon on that day since it is graduation weekend and we do know that there are several get togethers planned that afternoon. We will have a leadership bonding activity at Adventures Unlimited on Saturday July 9th. More info about this will be given at a later date. That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful week! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students this week according to Charms: Tag Gilbride - Wednesday Savannah Davis - Thursday Bradley Blalock - Saturday This Week: Monday Leadership Interviews Uniforms Turned-in Tuesday Uniforms Turned-in BAND DAY - Wear Summer Uniforms (Claw Shirt & Blue jeans/Blue Jean Shorts) - 1:30 - Head to auditorium - 1:30-2:30 - Practice in Auditorium - 2:45ish - 8th Graders Arrive - 3pm-4:45 - PERFORMANCES - 4:45-5:30 - Dinner Around the Track - 5:30-6:30 - New Member Registration - 6:30 - Dismiss 7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting Wednesday Drum Major In-Class Conducting Leadership Voting Uniforms Turned-in Band Favorites Voting Deadline Thursday Uniforms Turned-in 4:30-6pmish - Drum Major Formal Auditions Friday Uniforms Turned-in Lockers Cleaned Out Saturday Bud Bell Awards Ceremony - 5pm-6:45pm - Social Hour - 6:45pm-9pm - Awards - 9pm-10:30pm - Possible Dance Looking Ahead to Next Week Mon - Step-off Rehearsal (All New and Returning Students), Percussion Audition Camp Tues - Hobbs MS Concert Wed - 5th & 6th Senior Exams, Percussion Audition Camp Thurs - 3rd & 4th Senior Exams, Percussion Audition Camp, King MS Concert Fri - 1st & 2nd Senior Exams, Percussion Audition Camp Sat - ALL WINDS AUDITION DEADLINE, Leadership Camp Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!! Band Students,
The Band Favorites ballot is ready for voting. Please follow the link below and read the directions. These are due by Wednesday, May 11th. |
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