Because of the 100% chance of rain and storms tonight beginning at 6pm on, we have decided to cancel rehearsal tonight, August, 29th, 2017. We do not want to have to fight being on the field or not because of storms. Please plan accordingly in regards to rides and what not. The band room will close soon after school ends. Thank you for your understanding and have a well deserved night off.
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Hello All,
Great football season opener band! You did an outstanding job with the halftime show and in the stands! We are definitely right where we need to be in the process of our show. Now we just continue to improve upon this and move forward and upward. You can visit our YouTube channel by clicking HERE to watch our performances. Thank you to all of the parents that volunteered both at the concession stand as well as chaperoning. I heard and saw a lot of good things from both places. Parents, if you would like to sign up to help chaperone this Friday, please click the link below. Chaperone Sign-up: The Concession Stand sign-up will be available soon. As soon as it has been posted, I will send out a link with sign-up info. That is all for this week. I hope everyone has a stupendous week! Happy Birthday to the Following Student this week according to Charms: Brittney Kennedy - Today (Sunday) Kirsten Clemmons - Today (Sunday) This Week: Monday - 6pm-9:30 - Marching Band Rehearsal Tuesday - 6pm-9:30 - Marching Band Rehearsal Thursday - 4pm-6:30 - Marching Band Rehearsal Friday - HOME GAME V CHOCTAW - 6pm - Call Time - 6:45 - March-in - 7:30 - Kickoff - 10:30 - March-out/Dismiss Looking Ahead to Next Week: Mon - Labor Day (No Classes) Tues - Marching Band Thurs - Marching Band Fri - Away Game vs Ft Walton Beach HS Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!! Hello All, Well, I hope everyone enjoyed their first week of school. It's crazy how quickly it went by and it will only move faster. We will have our first football game of the year this Friday at Home vs Washington HS. The itinerary is below. We will be wearing our summer performance uniforms for the game along with the pep rally. Remember for winds and percussion, this is your polo shirts, black shorts, mostly white shoes, and white socks. For those that still have not received your polos, no worries, you will get them this week. No gym short, workout shorts, or basketball shorts. Black jean shorts, black cargo shorts, or black flat front shorts are okay. Guard will wear the same type of black shorts and shoes you wore are the preview show. We do have your personalized shirts for you to wear! We will hand these out on Monday. Parents, WE NEED YOUR HELP at the game this Friday. There are two great opportunities to volunteer at the game. If you have gone through the chaperone training and turned in the Santa Rosa County volunteer form, you are eligible to chaperone at any band event. Just click the link below and Tina Beyers or Sandy Kennedy will give you a call with further details and to let you know if you are a go for this Friday. This is not a part of the BPA incentive. Chaperone Sign-up: We also need help in the concession stand. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, make new friends, and simply have fun-filled time cooking and serving! This is a BPA incentive event so you can work $25 off of the fair share. Concession Stand Sign-up Students, if you are interested in auditioning for the All-State band this year, there is a really great audition clinic being held at PSC in Pensacola this Saturday. The cost is $10. This is not required but encouraged. More info can be found by clicking HERE. Congratulations to Katie Kilgore for winning the T-shirt design! I have attached the scanned copy of her drawing. As soon as we get the digital design from Paradise Screen printing, I will send out the order form for everyone to order their shirts. Students automatically receive shirts as part of their uniform. Finally, do to circumstances beyond our control the eclipse for this Monday has been cancelled! I do apologize for any inconveniences that this may cause in scheduling. We will reschedule this event for April 8th, 2024. ;-) Have an amazing week! Happy Birthday to the Following student this week according to charms: Jacob Still - Saturday This Week: Monday - 12pm-3pm - Eclipse - 6pm-9:30 - Full Marching Band Rehearsal Tuesday - Coke Fund Raiser Due - 6pm-9:30 - Full Marching Band Rehearsal Wednesday - 3:45-4:45 - Leadership Team Meeting Thursday - 4pm-6:30 - Full Marching Band Rehearsal Friday - 3rd Fair Share Due ($50) - Pep Rally - 1:30 - Meet at Band Hall in Summer Performance Uniform (Polo Shirts, etc) - 2:15 - March-in to gym - 2:40-3:21 - Pep Rally - HOME GAME VS WASHINGTON HS - 6pm - Call time in Summer Performance Uniform (Polo Shirts, etc) - 7pmish - March-in - 7:15 - Pregame - 7:30 - Kickoff - 10pmish - March-out/Dismiss Saturday - 8am-11:30am - All-State Audition Clinic @PSC Pensacola Looking Ahead to Next Week: Mon - Marching Band Tues - Marching Band Thurs - Marching Band Fri - Home Game vs. Choctaw Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!! Interested in auditioning for all-state and need some help? I have the perfect thing for you! Pensacola State College is hosting their 5th annual All-State audition clinic at the PSC campus on Saturday, August 26th. Please CLICK HERE for more info and to sign up. Hello All,
And so it begins! The 2017-18 school year is upon us and I couldn't be more excited for this year. Tomorrow brings new faces and new chances for relationships to blossom and grow amongst everyone. Students, if you need help trying to figure out where your classes are and how to get there, just ask. We are here for you! With this new school year, I encourage each of you to make a goal for yourself and tell people about it so they can hold you accountable and maybe even help you reach that goal. Remember, tomorrow is a clean slate for your classes for the year. Make your first impressions great. Mr. Weaver and I already know how great you are. Prove the same to your other teachers. We will hold our first meat sticking in the cafeteria this Tuesday starting 5th period. This does not mean that the whole band will meat 5th period. The Concert band will get it started then the Symphonic band will continue. Everyone except tubas will meet after school until 6pm or earlier, depending on when your table is finished. Our leadership will be in charge of quality for each table. When your table is done and no meet is left to stick and everything is clean, that table will be able to leave. We started doing this last year and found it was much mo-betta than how we used to do it. We will go over specifics with everyone on Tuesday. Parents are invited to come out and help if you would like. This event does qualify for the BPA incentive program. The only other even this week is the rehearsal on Thursday. Finally, students, if you would like to turn in a shirt design, I will continue to take those by Monday. We will vote for these on Thursday of this week. I hope everyone has a phenomenal week! Happy Birthday to the following students according to charms: Shelby Needham - Today (Sunday) DJ Russell - Monday Kameron Fewox - Friday Abigaille Flores - Saturday Elizabeth Hays - Saturday This Week: Monday - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! :-) Tuesday - 5th Period (1:30) - 6pm Thursday - 6pm-9:30 - Full Marching Band Rehearsal Looking Ahead to Next Week: Mon - Marching Band Rehearsal Tues - Marching Band Rehearsal Wed - Leadership Meeting Thurs - Marching Band Rehearsal Fri - Home Game vs Washington, 3rd Fair Share Due, Pep Rally Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!! Hello All,
Let me begin by saying what an outstanding job from our students at the preview show! Lots of things to work on but lots of good things intertwined. If you haven't had a chance to see the performances, please visit our YouTube channel by clicking HERE. I can't wait to get started back and launch this year BEYOND! Thank you to all of the parents that helped cook and serve and got everything ready for the dinner. You fed a lot of people in a little amount of time. Thank you! So once a gain we return this week, this time with a similar schedule as we will have for the rest of marching season. For the most part, starting this week we will have a consistent rehearsal schedule of Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays 6pm-9:30. When 9th/JV football starts, we will move our Thursday times to 4pm-6:30. This will start later in August or September. This week and next week are kinda wonky with the open house on Thursday and the first week of school next week, but everything will settle right in eventually. Parents, Tuesday will be the monthly BPA meeting at 7pm. I highly encourage everyone to be there as the BPA will be reviewing some changes in the BPA by-laws as well as going over events and activities over the next month. Immediately following the meeting, we will have the 2nd and final chaperone meeting for marching season. Weather you think you will be chaperoning students or not, it is very important that you attend this meeting. Milton High School will be hosting an open house this Thursday 5:30-7pm. This will be a great chance to meet your teachers and map out your routes to go class to class. I encourage everyone to come up and visit during those times. We will have rehearsal immediately following. Students, WE NEED A DESIGN FOR THIS YEAR'S SHOW SHIRT. Each year, students draw up a design and submit it. We vote on the designs and the one with the most votes goes on the shirt after the folks at Paradise Screen Printing refine it. Things that need to go on the shirt: Show Title (BEYOND) and the year. Everything else is up to you. I would love to have all designs submitted by this Thursday so we can vote on them during the first week of school and maybe even have them by our first game. Finally, This Saturday is the Drum Corp International Finals in Indianapolis. We will be hosting a final DCI viewing party at the band room starting at 3:30 if you would like to watch. Have a wonderful week! Happy Birthday to the following students this week according to charms: Ian Harris - Wednesday Jonah Hyler - Wednesday Jacob Lindquist - Thursday Hannah Mack - Friday Rachel Campbell - Saturday Melissa King - Saturday Kaylynn Melvin - Saturday This Week: Monday - Teacher Pre-planning begins - 6pm-9:30 - Full Marching Band Rehearsal Tuesday - Coca-Cola Truck Sale Fund Raiser Begins - 6pm-9:30 - Full Marching Band Rehearsal - 7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting - 8pm or after the BPA meeting - Final Chaperone Meeting Thursday - Show shirt designs due - 5:30-7pm - Milton High School Open House - 7pm-9:30 - Full Marching Band Rehearsal Friday - 1st Uniform Payment Due ($75) Saturday - 3:30 - DCI Finals Viewing Party Looking Ahead to Next Week: Mon - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Tues - Meat Sticking Thurs - Full Marching Band Rehearsal Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!! |
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