Let me begin by saying what an outstanding job from our students at the preview show! Lots of things to work on but lots of good things intertwined. If you haven't had a chance to see the performances, please visit our YouTube channel by clicking HERE. I can't wait to get started back and launch this year BEYOND! Thank you to all of the parents that helped cook and serve and got everything ready for the dinner. You fed a lot of people in a little amount of time. Thank you!
So once a gain we return this week, this time with a similar schedule as we will have for the rest of marching season. For the most part, starting this week we will have a consistent rehearsal schedule of Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays 6pm-9:30. When 9th/JV football starts, we will move our Thursday times to 4pm-6:30. This will start later in August or September. This week and next week are kinda wonky with the open house on Thursday and the first week of school next week, but everything will settle right in eventually.
Parents, Tuesday will be the monthly BPA meeting at 7pm. I highly encourage everyone to be there as the BPA will be reviewing some changes in the BPA by-laws as well as going over events and activities over the next month. Immediately following the meeting, we will have the 2nd and final chaperone meeting for marching season. Weather you think you will be chaperoning students or not, it is very important that you attend this meeting.
Milton High School will be hosting an open house this Thursday 5:30-7pm. This will be a great chance to meet your teachers and map out your routes to go class to class. I encourage everyone to come up and visit during those times. We will have rehearsal immediately following.
Students, WE NEED A DESIGN FOR THIS YEAR'S SHOW SHIRT. Each year, students draw up a design and submit it. We vote on the designs and the one with the most votes goes on the shirt after the folks at Paradise Screen Printing refine it. Things that need to go on the shirt: Show Title (BEYOND) and the year. Everything else is up to you. I would love to have all designs submitted by this Thursday so we can vote on them during the first week of school and maybe even have them by our first game.
Finally, This Saturday is the Drum Corp International Finals in Indianapolis. We will be hosting a final DCI viewing party at the band room starting at 3:30 if you would like to watch.
Have a wonderful week!
Happy Birthday to the following students this week according to charms:
Ian Harris - Wednesday
Jonah Hyler - Wednesday
Jacob Lindquist - Thursday
Hannah Mack - Friday
Rachel Campbell - Saturday
Melissa King - Saturday
Kaylynn Melvin - Saturday
This Week:
- Teacher Pre-planning begins
- 6pm-9:30 - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
- Coca-Cola Truck Sale Fund Raiser Begins
- 6pm-9:30 - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
- 7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
- 8pm or after the BPA meeting - Final Chaperone Meeting
- Show shirt designs due
- 5:30-7pm - Milton High School Open House
- 7pm-9:30 - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
- 1st Uniform Payment Due ($75)
- 3:30 - DCI Finals Viewing Party
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Tues - Meat Sticking
Thurs - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!