"Before you leave the band room for the last time, stop and take a look around for just one moment. These four walls have seen you at your worst and at your best. They have watched families created and fall apart. They have seen love between two people and one sided crushes. They have seen your most joyous days and maybe melancholy ones. They have seen the person you were when you walked in for the first time and now have seen the person you are for the last time. And when you turn back around and walk through the halls for the never last time, know that those walls are silently weeping and maybe you are too, because you both have realized that in order to go somewhere in life, you must leave home."
Today we say farewell to 41 members of our family. We knew 4 years ago that this moment would finally get here, but nothing could prepare us for the speed at which it arrived. I simply cannot thank each and every one of you enough for the impact you have made on our lives and the honor of letting us be a part of your lives for the past 4 years! It is NEVER easy seeing family leave, but we know that this must happen in order for you to get to that next step in your life. I truly hope that all of you find your way back home at some point. Remember, your future....your life is in your hands. Make it something special! Use what you have learned in this band and in this school to make a positive impact on this world! And when you are in need of guidance or just want to have a random chat, know that we are always here....this building will always be your home! We love you guys and gals! I leave you with this from the band room:
"Before you leave the band room for the last time, stop and take a look around for just one moment. These four walls have seen you at your worst and at your best. They have watched families created and fall apart. They have seen love between two people and one sided crushes. They have seen your most joyous days and maybe melancholy ones. They have seen the person you were when you walked in for the first time and now have seen the person you are for the last time. And when you turn back around and walk through the halls for the never last time, know that those walls are silently weeping and maybe you are too, because you both have realized that in order to go somewhere in life, you must leave home."
Hello all,
First an foremost, we would like to thank all of our military families on this Memorial Day!!! Words cannot describe our appreciation for your sacrifices that you have made in order for all of us to continue to freely do what we do on a daily basis. On this day we remember that "All gave some, and some gave all". THANK YOU. Can you believe this is the last week of school? Holy Cannoli! Didn't we just start Rookie Camp 2017? The biggest happening this week is of course graduation this Tuesday at 8pm in the MHS Stadium. Parents, if you would like to help sell water, please CLICK HERE and sign up to help. Water sales begin at 6pm. The BPA will be selling concessions at the Bands on Blackwater this Friday. If you would like to help out, please CLICK HERE. Rookie Camp is just around the corner. Remember, we will go 8am to 3pm Monday through Thursday with lunch Noon to 1pm. The cafeteria will be providing free lunch this summer beginning the week of Rookie Camp. Make sure you eat breakfast before you arrive and drink plenty of fluids throughout the week. Also, wear cool/comfortable clothes as we will be outside the majority of the week. I want to remind all returning members that uniform fittings will take place the Tuesday and Wednesday of Rookie Camp. If you need any new uniform part, you will need to go to one of these fittings. They will begin at 3pm at the end of camp on those days. These are also the days that the new members will get fitted. New parents, please make plans to attend the NEW PARENT MEETING on Monday June 4th at 6:30pm. We will go over a ton of info about the Mighty Black & Gold at this meeting and you don't want to miss any of this. I have posted the DCI trip and Band Trip info that we handed out at the Down-beat rehearsal on our website. Please click the following links to receive the information: DCI - CLICK HERE Gatlinburg Band Trip - CLICK HERE I have also attached the Lumpia Fundraiser form for you just in case it got misplaced. Use as needed. Finally, this will be the last weekly update that includes the class of 2018. We could not be more proud of these 41 students! These young adults have gone above and beyond over their 4 years at MHS and in this band family. I hope all of you know that wherever you go on this planet, you will always have a home in the Mighty Black & Gold. It is so hard to see a part of our family leave us, but we know it is for the best. You are about to do some extraordinary things and we can't wait to see all of it! Make a positive impact on this world guys and gals! We love you and will always be here for you! I hope everyone had a fantastic week. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to charms: Daven Anderson - Tuesday Chris Quinn - Saturday This Week: Monday Memorial Day (No Classes) Tuesday 8pm - GRADUATION Wednesday 1st & 2nd Period Exams Thursday 3rd & 4th Period Exams Friday LAST DAY OF SCHOOL 5th & 6th Period Exams Saturday 8am-4pm - Leadership Camp Looking Ahead to Next Week: Mon - Rookie Camp, Percussion Camp, New Parent Meeting Tues - Rookie Camp, Percussion Camp, New Woodwind Auditions/Uniform Fittings Wed - Rookie Camp, Percussion Camp, New Brass Auditions/Uniform Fittings, 1st Fair Share Due ($50), Lumpia FR Due Thurs - Rookie Camp, Percussion Camp Fri - Bands on Blackwater Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS
BAND TRIP 2019 This Trip Is Also Optional!!!!!!! Tentative Dates: Wednesday, January 2 through Monday, January 7 (we start back to school on Tuesday, January 8) Where: Atlanta, GA and the Great Smoky Mountains (Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg, TN) Estimated Cost: $475-$525 per person Plan is to Include: Charter Bus Transportation, Hotel Accommodations for 5 nights (4 students per room / 2 adults per room), Admission Ticket and Buffet Lunch at Six Flags Over Georgia, Snow Tubing (if available), Scenic Drive over top of Smoky Mtns (Newfound Gap), Dollywood Theme Park admission & meal ticket, Dinner at Dolly Parton’s Stampede Dinner Show, another Dinner Show in the Pigeon Forge area, Trolley tickets for Free-time on the Pigeon Forge Strip, Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies, another selected Ripley’s Attraction, Two Hot Meals per day provided (note that some may already be listed above), Aerial Tram Ride to OberGatlinburg Adventure Park, Fun Times, etc. Not Included: One meal per day, souvenirs, possible one day excursions in Smoky Mtns (tour of Cades Cove - $15; mountain hike & lunch - $10; more free time in Pigeon Forge - $5), other spending money for snacks & such Please Note: We have just begun to put this trip together this week. Nothing is official until we get it School-Board Approved…which I don’t foresee any problems. We just wanted to get you the information so that you can get it marked on your calendars. Also Please Note: Payments will begin in the fall. Fair-Share obligations must be met prior to making payments towards the Band Trip. More Information: Will be provided as we begin the new school year. Again, we wanted to get initial info to you so that you could mark your calendars and begin budgeting for it. OPTIONAL TRIP – DCI Trip to Atlanta
LIMITED SPACE – FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE What:Drum Corps International Southeastern Championships…featuring 26 performances including all of the world class corps such as Blue Devils, Carolina Crown, Phantom Regiment, Boston Crusaders, Madison Scouts, Cavaliers, The Cadets, etc. When: Saturday, July 28 (two days after band camp ends)…one day trip! Where: Atlanta, GA…at the brand new Mercedes-Benz Stadium! Cost:$110 per person (covers cost of charter bus & one premium ticket (located in section 338) To reserve your spot: We are only taking one charter bus to the event. First 50 people to bring in a $50 deposit and get their name on the list, will reserve the available spots. Again, this is an optional trip…and an opportunity for some of our students/parents to attend the Southeastern Championships. Once we fill-up the first 50 spots, we’ll start a waiting list. If we get an additional 50 people on the waiting list, we’ll look into taking a second bus of participants to Atlanta…depending on ticket & bus availability. Questions: Email me at the bandroom. [email protected] The Florida All-State Honor Band auditions requirements have been posted. Please go to the following link to get the requirements.
fba.flmusiced.org/all-state/audition-requirements/ Any students needing help with this process can ask the directors at any time. Hello All,
For all of our new folks that are receiving this, don't worry. You are not signed up for any weird spam email system. This is the weekly update that I send every Sunday to let everyone know what is going on this week in the Milton Band program. Below, you will see detailed important information along with the schedule for the week. If you would like to have this schedule and the rest of our calendar synced to your mobile device, please go to the link below and follow the directions for your specific device: http://www.miltonhighschoolband.com/charms-office-info.html For current members, please make sure your locker is cleaned out by the end of the school day on Monday. Any items left in your locker will be donated or filed away. Don't forget to take your lock as well. All Returning wind auditions will take place this week. If we do not hear you during class, please be prepared to stay after school on the appropriate day to complete your audition. ALL JAZZ BAND AUDITIONS will take place this Friday 4pm-7pm. Anyone, both returning AND new, interested in participating in jazz band next year will need to audition during this time slot. Finally, if you did not attend the first rehearsal of the new marching band last week, do not worry. The second rehearsal for next year's band is this Thursday. We will issue lockers during this rehearsal as well as possibly part 1 of our halftime show and kick-off our first fundraiser (Lumpia). That is all for now. I hope everyone has a fantastic week! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to charms: Ai'ana Cowart - Monday Sara Massie - Thursday This Week: Monday All Lockers Cleaned Out 3:30-6pm - Leadership Workday Tuesday 6pm - Hobbs MS Concert 6pm-8:30 - Colorguard Rehearsal Wednesday 5th & 6th Period Senior Exams All Returning Woodwinds Auditions (During Class & After School) Thursday 3rd & 4th Period Senior Exams All Returning Brass Auditions (During Class & After School) 6pm-8:30 - Down-beat Rehearsal Friday 1st & 2nd Period Senior Exams Last Day for Seniors 4pm-7pm - All jazz band auditions Looking Ahead to Next Week: Mon - Memorial Day (No Classes) Tues - GRADUATION Wed - 1st & 2nd Period Exams Thurs - 3rd & 4th Period Exams Fri - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL, 5th & 6th Period Exams Sat - 8am-4pm - Leadership Camp Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!! 8:45am - High School Band meets in uniform for warm-up
9:45am - Middle School Bands arrive at Band room 9:50am - Welcome & Performances 11:30am - Lunch at Track 12pm - Sectionals around the track 12:20pm - Group game on Practice Field (Time permitting) 12:45pm - Middle Schools load buses and return to school |
January 2025
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