If you missed the Virtual Awards Ceremony, you can watch it on our YouTube page HERE
Congratulations to the 2020-21 Leadership Team! Please make sure you add yourself to the Leadership Remind Group ASAP! CLICK HERE.
Head Drum Major-Austin Huling Co-Drum Major-Melia Coulter Co-Drum Major-Andres Diaz Band Captain-Faith Thai Band Co-Captain-Lauren Bishop Flutes Section Leader-Makayla Dearinger Flute Asst Section Leader-Lauren Bishop Clarinet Section Leader -Donnelle McCrory Clarinet Asst Section Leader-Hope Garrett Clarinet Asst Section Leader-Sara Heuer Saxophone Section Leader-Curry Silcox Saxophone Asst Section Leader -Jordan Caasi Trumpet Section Leader-Denise Carillo Trumpet Asst Section Leader-Savannah Davis Trumpet Asst Section Leader-Isabelle Wimmer Horn Section Leader -Savannah Weeks Trombone Section Leader -Amyah Parker Trombone Asst Section Leader -Ethan Colon Baritone Section Leader-Jacob Still Tuba Section Leader-Katie Whitson Percussion Captain-Karson Spooneybarger Colorguard Captain-Lauren Easterling Colorguard Co-Captain-Madison Saterfield Facilities Officers-Reagan Clark, Suzie Holt, Aiden Moulder Uniform Officers-Mattie Pierce, Mikayla Raney Music Library Officers-Savannah Morris, Faith Thai Hello all,
This is a reminder that we will host a virtual award ceremony today at 7pm. We are also going to host a Zoom Dinner meeting at 6pm and will leave this open going into the awards ceremony. The 6pm is time is available for anyone wanting to just come hangout and catch up through Zoom and also enjoy a virtual dinner :-). The Awards presentation will begin at 7pm and may last one hour. This you can watch on Zoom or our Livestream on the YouTube and Facebook pages! See all links below: Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY6Jf5Xf9r4 Zoom Meeting information: MHS Band Virtual Awards Ceremony May 30, 2020 06:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89484031086?pwd=ZlR4VFNKRXpiTC9rOXk5ZWUxbFlzZz09 Meeting ID: 894 8403 1086 Password: 8L6ufK Students,
This is a reminder that the MHS Band Audition Deadline is today. This is for all WIND players, not Percussion or Guard. Please CLICK HERE for all the details. Also, for those students who signed up for Jazz Band, make sure you have also signed up and audition for one of the concert bands. I will be verifying these lists next week and sending corrections to the guidance office. Jazz band does not take the place of a concert ensemble. Students interested in jazz band must be able to participate in both jazz band and one of the concert bands. Our one guitar student and pianist are the only ones exempt from this. Please let us know if you need any help with the audition process. Hello all,
First of all, I am so glad to welcome all of our new members that have signed up so far. If you are receiving this, then you successfully filled out the Prospective Member form and you are now in our Charms system. If you are looking at this online and did not receive this email as a new member, please CLICK HERE and fill out the prospective member form. I want to apologize for any vagueness that you may read through this schedule. As you know, the current situation is very extraordinary. There are still a lot of questions that we all have. The schedule below is a guide to what the summer may look like. As you can see there are 5 different plans in place. Plan B is the most likely at this time. We do not know to what extent these rehearsals will be able to take place. We are waiting from word from the school board about guidelines we may have to follow with any practices and rehearsals just like every group in Santa Rosa County. All of the County High School band directors met this morning and have agreed that no band activities will take place in the month of June. We will keep you updated as we receive word from the school board. Please understand, that FLEXIBILITY IS KEY during this time! Summer Calendar Plans Plan A – (NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!) Normal Schedule as indicated on our Calendar at http://www.miltonhighschoolband.com/calendar.html Plan B – (MOST LIKELY) (NORMAL SCHOOL RETURN) June Nothing will be allowed to take place July 2nd-3rd – Leadership Camp – Time and Place TBD 6th-8th 8am-Noon – Rookie Camp *6th-9th – Percussion Camp (?) *6th-9th – Guard Camp (?) 13th-16th – Band Camp (8am-9pm)
20th-23rd – Band Camp (8am-9pm)
August *Guard Camp - ???? *Percussion Camp - ???? Monday 3rd – Full Band Rehearsal (6pm-9pm) Tuesday 4th – Full Band Rehearsal (6pm-9pm) Thursday 5th – Full Band Rehearsal (4pm-6:30pm) Monday 10th – SCHOOL START IN PERSON Tuesday 11th – Full Band Rehearsal (6pm-9pm) Thursday 13th – Full Band Rehearsal (4pm-6:30pm) Friday 14th – Kickoff Classic at Home (First Football Game) Plan C – (Somewhat Likely) (School Start Normal, but nothing can take place over the summer) June Nothing will be allowed to take place July Nothing will be allowed to take place (Will add events as allowed) August *Guard Camp - ???? *Percussion Camp - ???? Monday 3rd – Full Band Rehearsal (4pm-9pm) (This would be a combined Rookie Camp/Band Camp-type rehearsal) Tuesday 4th - Full Band Rehearsal (4pm-9pm) (This would be a combined Rookie Camp/Band Camp-type rehearsal) Thursday 6th - Full Band Rehearsal (4pm-9pm) (This would be a combined Rookie Camp/Band Camp-type rehearsal) Saturday 8th - Full Band Rehearsal (8am-9:30pm) (This similar to Band Camp-type rehearsal) Monday 10th – SCHOOL START Tuesday 11th – Full Band Rehearsal (6pm-9pm) Thursday 13th – Full Band Rehearsal (4pm-6:30pm) Friday 14th – Kickoff Classic at Home (First Football Game) Plan D – (Slightly Likely) (School Start AFTER Labor Day) June Nothing will be allowed to take place July Nothing will be allowed to take place (Will add events as allowed) August Nothing will be allowed to take place (Will add events as allowed) September Monday Aug 31st - Full Band Rehearsal (4pm-9pm) Tuesday 1st - Full Band Rehearsal (4pm-9pm) Thursday 3rd - Full Band Rehearsal (4pm-9pm) Saturday 5th - Full Band Rehearsal (8am-9:30pm) Tuesday 8th – SCHOOL START Other Dates TBD Plane E – Highly Unlikely but still may be fun LOL June Sit in circles 6 feet apart from each other outside singing Kumbaya July Rotate once around the previous circle and sing “Those were the Days” from the show All in the Family August Sweat! September Curl up in the fetal position on the floor Graduation Possible Dates: Thursday June 18 Milton High- Stadium 8:20 p.m. Tuesday July 14 Milton High- Stadium 8:20 p.m. Tuesday July 28 Milton High- Stadium 8:20 p.m. Hello all,
This is a reminder that we will host a virtual award ceremony this Saturday at 7pm. We are also going to host a Zoom Dinner meeting at 6pm and will leave this open going into the awards ceremony. The 6pm is time is available for anyone wanting to just come hangout and catch up through Zoom and also enjoy a virtual dinner :-). The Awards presentation will begin at 7pm and may last one hour. This you can watch on Zoom or our Livestream on the YouTube and Facebook pages! See all links below: Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY6Jf5Xf9r4 Zoom Meeting information: MHS Band Virtual Awards Ceremony May 30, 2020 06:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89484031086?pwd=ZlR4VFNKRXpiTC9rOXk5ZWUxbFlzZz09 Meeting ID: 894 8403 1086 Password: 8L6ufK Today is dedicated to the class of 2020. On this day we would normally be making last minute preparations for your graduation ceremony, which will take place eventually. But, just because we cannot celebrate with a ceremony right now, does not mean that we can't celebrate. The world will always remember you, 2020! Mr, Weaver and I are so proud of you! We have seen you grow these past 4 years into the finest young men and women around. We have bled with you, sweat with you, and cried with you. You have held steadfast through everything thrown at you and have proven your resilience! Know that if and when you need us, we will always be there for you! We love you and look forward to seeing what great things you are about to accomplish! This will never be goodbye, but is always until we meet again!
And now the quote from the band room: "Before you leave the band room for the last time, stop and take a look around for just one moment. These four walls have seen you at your worst and at your best. They have watched families created and fall apart. They have seen love between two people and one sided crushes. They have seen your most joyous days and maybe melancholy ones. They have seen the person you were when you walked in for the first time and now have seen the person you are for the last time. And when you turn back around and walk through the halls for the never last time, know that those walls are silently weeping and maybe you are too, because you both have realized that in order to go somewhere in life, you must leave home." With love: Mr. Weaver & Mr. Schultz & all of the MB&G! Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!! |
January 2025
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