FBA Season - Welcome to the FBA Spring season! Over the next few weeks, there will be different FBA events taking place. These events are Solo & Ensemble MPA this Saturday, Jazz MPA on the 15th at PSC, and Concert MPA on the 7th of March at FWBHS. These dates are the most important dates for the spring semester for winds and percussion and jazz. All of these performances are FREE and we encourage audience attendance and support to each.
FBA Solo & Ensemble - This will be at Escambia HS on Saturday. All participating students, please check the posted schedule and make sure you have ORIGINALS TO ALL MUSIC WITH NUMBERED MEASURES. Ms. Julia will be in each day this week to practice with soloists. See attached info for maps of Escambia HS as well as your performance schedule.
Panther Percussion at Solo & Ensemble - The Panther Percussion will be giving a performance at the Solo & Ensemble at 1:50. These students are to meet at Escambia High School at 1:15 in front of the check-in desk. We will be wearing black slacks, black button up shirts, and black shoes for this. Parents are invited to sit in and listen as well. This is a FREE performance.
FBA Jazz MPA - This will take place next Friday, February 22st at the auditorium at Pensacola State College. Our performance is at 8:05pm. We will bus over there to watch and support the other school performances. After all performances are done, we will enjoy our traditional meal at Steak N Shake :-) We should be back at MHS around 10pmish.
Indoor Groups - Congratulations to our Winterguards and Black Gold Percussion Ensemble for great starts to the competition season with two great performances at South Walton and Robertsdale High Schools. Come out and see these awesome students at the next competition at Pace High School this Saturday. See times below. Tickets are $15.
MHSBPA Board Nominations - This Tuesday is a very important BPA meeting. We will begin accepting nominations for the 2025-26 BPA Board. We will take nominations from the floor as well as through email through April. Any current band parent is eligible to be nominated. Positions are President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and one Trustee position. Please see Mr. Schultz to nominate.
Mock MPA/Preview Concert - We will be hosting a this concert on Monday, February 224th in the auditorium. This is a free concert open to the public. So far, Gulf Breeze HS will perform along with MHS Concert and Symphonic bands. We will have a couple guest directors giving each band feedback as well. Please make plans to join us that night. The performances will begin at 6:30pm.
Band Fees - Now that the new year and second semester is upon us, it is time to make the final payments for all band and indoor fees. All accounts have been updated with the BPA incentive volunteer discount. Payments can be made online or directly to the money box. If using checks to make separate payments to various fees, please use separate checks per fee. It is imperative that all fees are paid ASAP.
That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful week.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to CutTime:
Kayleigh Barnes - Monday
Anaisia Lintz - Monday
Nathan Garcia - Tuesday
Jacey Hunt - Tuesday
Madeline Wixon - Friday
This Week:
- Monday
- 3:45pm-5pm - Symphonic Saxophone Sectional
- 4pm-8pm - JV Winterguard Rehearsal
- 6:30-8:30 - IP Rehearsal
- Tuesday
- 4pm-6pm - Symphonic Band Rehearsal
- 4pm-6pm - Concert Clarinet Sectionals
- 4pm-5pm - Concert Woodwind Sectionals
- 6pm-9pm - Varsity Winte3rguard Rehearsal
- 7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
- Wednesday
- 8:30am-9am - Tri-M Meeting
- 4pm-5pm - Panther Percussion Rehearsal
- Thursday
- 3:45-5pm - Symphonic Brass Sectional
- 4pm-6pm - Concert Band Rehearsal
- 4pm-5pm - Clarinet Day
- 6pm-9pm - Varsity Winterguard Rehearsal
- Friday
- 6:30-8:30 - IP Rehearsal
- Saturday
- FBA Solo & Ensemble MPA
- Pace Indoor Competition
- See Chandler and Sam for complete Itinerary
- 1:27 - Black Gold Percussion Ensemble Performance
- 4:04 - JV Winterguard Performance
- 6:21 - Varsity Winterguard Rehearsal
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
- Mon - Presidents Day (No School), IP Rehearsal
- Tues - Concert Band Brass Sectional, Concert Trombones/Euphoniums Sectional, Symphonic Band Rehearsal, Varsity Winterguard Rehearsal
- Thurs - Symphonic Woodwind Sectional, Concert Band Rehearsal, Clarinet Day, Varsity Winterguard Rehearsal
- Fri - FBA Jazz MPA
- Sat - IP Rehearsal, Southern Raceway BPA Concession Sales
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!