CLICK HERE to place order.
The 2023 Show Shirt design is here! If you would like a show shirt, please fill out the form below. They are $20 per shirt. You can pay in cash or make checks payable to MHS Band and placed in an envelope then put in the money box in front of the office. Payment MUST be received before we place an order for shirts. Orders and payment are due by Wednesday, December 13th. If money is not received by the 13th, your shirt will not be ordered.
CLICK HERE to place order.
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Good morning,
Just wanted to update everyone on the status of the Milton Christmas Parade. I have talked with the Krewe of Airship Pirates who are the hosts of the parade about weather contingencies. We have been watching the weather closely and so far, it is not in our favor to participate. They informed me that they will make a call about any cancellation by 4pm on Saturday. This is not a realistic notice for us with everything that is in play for the band. We will be making the call for the MB&G about participation by Friday. Please keep an eye on email/social networks/website for official announcements on that day. I do not know of a back-up date is there is a need for one at this time. Hello All,
Welcome Band from Fall Break. Hope everyone rested up and spent time doing everything you wanted to do. We have a short, but packed few weeks until winter break. Please look through everything below for all of the info. New Uniforms - As you know by now, we have received the new uniforms! We have sized several winds and percussion for these. All students who have not been sized by the end of school on Monday will need to plan to stay after school to size. This is for ALL winds and percussion. This shouldn't take long. Please have plans for rides as soon as you are done sizing. New Uniform Debut - We are excited to be debuting the uniforms this Wednesday with a special performance of the halftime show as well as a ceremony. This will take place at the football field. All are invited to attend. All band students will need to meet at the band room at 4pm to get ready. We will march-in at 5:30. Parents, we need help with preparations on that day beginning at 4pm. Please CLICK HERE to sign up. Milton Parade - The Milton Christmas parade is this Saturday. The band hall will be open 4pm-4:45 for students to grab uniforms and instruments. Students may decorate their instruments as you please as long as they can still play and march. Please DO NOT use duct tape on your instruments. This could permanently damage instruments. We will wear our full uniform minus helmets. Please try to secure some kind of Christmas hat. We will meet at 5pm at the empty lot on James street. This is across from the BMX bike course. Make sure you have a ride to get you at the end of the parade. We will end at Margaret Street Church of Christ. Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser - We have kicking off the Texas Roadhouse gift card fundraiser. This is an online only fundraiser in which you can purchase gift cards ranging from $5 to $100; as many as you want. Students will receive 20% profit towards band or indoor fees from total sales. Click or share the link below to start ordering. Once you add the cards to your cart, you will then designate what student will get credit for the profit. Simple and easy. Cards will be delivered to the school then distributed around December 13th. Just in time for Christmas :-) December 6th is the last day to order. Tree Decorating - Next Tuesday the 5th will be the section tree decorating. This will take place after Symphonic Band rehearsal in the auditorium. Colorguard will have their chance to decorate at 4pm during the symphonic rehearsal. Trees will be judged by an outside panel on Thursday at 5:45. The winning section will be announced during the concert. A Grand prize is available for the top winning section. Christmas Concert - The annual band Christmas concert is on Thursday, Dec. 7th at 6:30 in the Auditorium. This is a FREE concert with performances by the Blackwater Beats Jazz Band, Concert Band, and Symphonic Band. We invite everyone to come out and get into the holiday spirit with us. We will also have the section Christmas trees decorated all around the auditorium. Doors will open at 5:30. Christmas Party - The Band Christmas party will be held on Friday, Dec. 10th from 5pm-9pm at Sweet Seasons Farms. This is celebration for all of our wonderful band students of for a semester full of accomplishments and hard work. Again, this is for ALL of the band students, not just the marching band. Students may drive themselves or get dropped off at the Sweet Seasons. We will provide one bus for any student that needs it. If you need to ride the bus their, those students will need to meet at the stadium at 4:15pm. This party is FREE. The BPA will be providing food. There are a ton of activities at the farm, all of which are outside, so dress accordingly. Bus should be back at the school by 9:30pm. Secret Santa Gift Exchange - As tradition, we will have a secret Santa gift exchange at the party. Any student that would like to participate in this will need to provide a gift that is a minimum of $5. We will collect these gifts throughout the week and at the party. Do not put your name on the gift. We will place a number on each gift and have students sign the list so we know who is participating. Pensacola Christmas Parade - We will be participating in the Pensacola Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 9th. This is a required performance. We will be meeting at the Wahoo Stadium parking lot at 4pm. You are welcome to get there earlier if you would like. Simply park, then find the grouping of Milton uniforms. The parade itself starts at 5:30pm. The route begins at Garden Street West of Palafox, then goes north on Palafox, then back south all the way down Palafox to Main Street. Once we get to the end, we will walk back to the Wahoo Stadium and dismiss from there. Students will need to be dropped off and picked up at the Wahoo Stadium. Students, please deck yourselves out again in lights and decorations! :-) That is all for now. I hope all of you have a wonderful week! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms: Kendra Bever - Sunday Camden Brookes - Tuesday Zach Barker - Thursday This Week: Monday 3:30-Done - New Uniform Fittings 6pm-8pm - Indoor Percussion Auditions Tuesday 4pm-6pm - Symphonic Band Rehearsal 4pm-5pm - Concert Brass Sectional 6pm-9pm - Winterguard Rehearsal 6pm-8pm - Indoor Percussion Auditions Wednesday NEW UNIFORM DEBUT 4pm - Call Time in Band Room 5:30 - Showtime Thursday 3:45-5pm - Symphonic Woodwind Sectional 4pm-6pm - Concert Band Rehearsal 6pm-9pm - Winterguard Rehearsal 6:30-8:30 - Indoor Percussion Rehearsal Friday Winterguard Payment 1 Due ($100) Saturday Milton Christmas Parade 4pm - Band Hall Unlocked (Get Uniform) 4:45 - Band Hall Locked 5pm - Call Time at empty lot across from skate park Looking Ahead to Next Week: Mon - Concert Band Rehearsal Tues - Symphonic Band Rehearsal, Section Tree Decorating, Winterguard Rehearsal, Indoor Percussion Rehearsal Wed - Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser Due Thurs - Christmas Concert Fri - Band Christmas Party Sat - Pensacola Christmas Parade Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!! Good afternoon,
We are kicking off the Texas Roadhouse gift card fundraiser. This is an online only fundraiser in which you can purchase gift cards ranging from $5 to $100; as many as you want. Students will receive 20% profit towards band or indoor fees from total sales. Click or share the link below to start ordering. Once you add the cards to your cart, you will then designate what student will get credit for the profit. Simple and easy. Cards will be delivered to the school then distributed around December 13th. Just in time for Christmas :-) December 6th is the last day to order. Congratulations to all of the students that made the 2023-24 Santa Rosa County All-County Honor Band! CLICK HERE for the complete list of students. See picture for all Milton HS students that made it. Milton will have a total of 34 participants. This is the most in Santa Rosa County! Great job to all!
Hello All,
This will be the last weekly update email until we return from Fall Break. Uniform Debut Performance - We are currently still planning to have a performance and debut the new uniforms on Wednesday. There is a possibility that we will have to postpone due to weather and late delivery of the uniforms. We will make this call as late as Tuesday. Please keep an eye on your email/Facebook/Remind Texts/Word of mouth for the announcement. The itinerary for that day is below. If we have to move the performance, we will look to do it on Wednesday, November 29th or Friday, December 1st. Again, we will let you know. Winterguard - Winterguard has begun as of last week. They will be having rehearsals every Tuesday and Thursday 6pm-9pm. These first few rehearsals are used as audition nights. Students must be in attendance in ordered to be considered for winterguard. Please see Samantha Foreman [email protected] or Mackenzie Weatherbee [email protected] for more info. Indoor Percussion - We will have an Indoor Percussion interest meeting this Thursday at 7pm in room 131. Any student interested in participating in the Black Gold Percussion Ensemble will need to be in attendance. Parents are asked to attend as well. Please see Chandler Sedlacek [email protected] for more info. MHSBPA - The MHSBPA monthly parent meeting is Tuesday November 14th at 7 pm in room 131. Important items to be discussed and voted on to include: - Update on all Bandtober events and the BPA Budget for the rest of the year. - The purchasing of the New drumline equipment, new items to be purchased for the indoor Colorguard, other instruments and equipment to also be purchased for students. - Christmas party at sweet seasons on December 8th, forming a Christmas party committee. Need parent involvement. - Discussing upcoming 5 day MLK event at Webers Skateworld in January, forming a committee. Need parents and students to volunteer. Milton Christmas Parade - The Milton Christmas Parade in Saturday, December 2nd. Mark your calendars. More info to come Pensacola Christmas Parade - The Pensacola Christmas parade is Saturday, December 9th. Again mark your calendars and more info to come. Christmas Concert - The Milton Christmas concert is Thursday, December 7th at 6pm. Section Tree Decorating - The section tree decorating will take place after Symphonic Band rehearsal on December 5th. Sections will compete against each other for the best looking trees. They will also win a trophy and prizes. Trees will be on display at the concert that Thursday. That is all for now. I hope all of you have a wonderful break and get some well-deserved rest and relaxation. We are thankful for all of you! Thank you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms: Owen Mayer - Monday Nicholas Stangenwald - Wednesday Kyleigh Bratcher - 11/21 Kellan Tyree - 11/25 This Week: Monday 4pm - Concert Woodwind Sectional Tuesday Possible Texas Roadhouse Gift card Fundraiser 6pm-9pm - Winterguard Rehearsal 7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting Wednesday 3:30 - Tri-M Meeting New Uniform Debut Performance (POSTPONED TO NOV. 29TH) - 4pm - Call Time/Fitting - 5:30 - March-in/Performances Thursday 3:45-5pm - Symphonic Brass Sectional 4pm-6pm - Concert Band Rehearsal 6pm-9pm - Winterguard Rehearsal 7pm - Indoor Percussion Interest Meeting Room 131 Friday School-Owned Instrument Rental Fee Due ($50) Looking Ahead to Next Week: FALL BREAK NO CLASSES - Band Room Closed When We Return: 11/27 - Indoor Percussion Auditions 11/28 - Symphonic Band Rehearsal, Concert Brass Sectional, Indoor Percussion Auditions, Winterguard Rehearsal 11/30 - Symphonic Woodwind Sectional, Concert Band Rehearsal, Indoor Percussion Rehearsal, Winterguard Rehearsal 12/1 - Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser Due, Winterguard Payment 1 Due ($100) 12/2 - Milton Christmas Parade Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!! Hello All,
Congratulations on finishing another football season! We still have a few marching events left to end marching season. We will now start making the full transition to concert season. Playground Music Step-up Night - This Tuesday is the Playground Music instrument step-up night. This is for all wind players interested in purchasing or renting an upgraded version of your instrument. Students will need to sign-up for a one-on-one with the sales team from Playground. CLICK HERE for more info. Veteran's Day Parade - This Saturday, we will be celebrating all of our past, present, and future veterans with a parade. The itinerary is below. We will hand out plumes at the band hall and collect at my (Mr. Schultz's) truck at the end of the parade. The parade route begins at the anchor at MHS, goes south on Stewart Street, left down Berryhill Road, right on Willing Street in downtown Milton, and ends at Veteran's Memorial. Students will need to have a ride from Veteran's Memorial at the end of the parade. Remember to bring instruments back on Monday. Everyone is welcome to attend the ceremony after the parade put on by the VA. All-State - A huge congratulations to Josiah Hall s for making the All-State Band and Jayden Brothers for making the All-State Chorus!! They will be representing Milton High School and Santa Rosa County in January at the FMEA Convention. Concert Season - As we move to full-on concert season, we will be taking our big marching ensemble and splitting that into multiple smaller ensembles. Each of these ensembles will have their own afterschool rehearsals. Students are required to attend all rehearsals and performances associated with their ensemble. Make sure you look through the calendar carefully to see when these rehearsals and performances will take place. All-County Auditions - This Thursday, the high school all-county auditions will take place at Milton High School. A schedule will be posted by Monday. Students, WE NEED YOUR HELP with proctoring rooms that evening. Sign-ups have been posted on the locker room door. Students can receive volunteer hours for this. Please Please Please help us out. These auditions run smoothly only because of the students that help. Again, students can receive volunteer hours for these. Sweet Seasons - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of the parents and students that volunteered to work the BPA concessions at Sweet Seasons Farm over the past month! Because of you, we are able to supply our students with the best equipment possible. New Uniform Debut - We have scheduled a new uniform debut performance for Wednesday, November 15th at 5:30 in the football stadium. Please make plans to attend. This is for ALL MHS Band students, not just marching band. Wrapping Paper - We are in need of wrapping paper of any kind. We also need lots of scotch tape. If you have any partially used rolls laying around, we'll take them. Please consider donating. We will need these by November 13th. That is all for now. I hope all of you have a wonderful week! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms: John Skultety - Wednesday Emma DeBellis - Thursday Carly Goodman - Friday This Week: Tuesday 4pm-7pm - Playground Music Step-up Music Night Thursday All-County Auditions Friday Veterans Day Observed (No Classes) Saturday Veterans Day Parade - Wear FULL Uniform - 8am - Call Time at Band Room - 8:30 - Pace Arrives/Warm-up/Block-up - 9:30 - Parade Start - 10:30 - Parade Ends at Veteran's Memorial - 11am-Noon - Ceremony at Veteran's Memorial (Optional Attendance) Looking Ahead to Next Week: Mon - Concert Woodwind Sectional Tues - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting Wed - Tri-M Meeting, Uniform Reveal Debut Thurs - Symphonic Brass Sectional, Concert Band Rehearsal, Indoor Percussion Interest Meeting Fri - School-Owned Instrument Fee Due ($50) Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!! |
January 2025
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