Auditions will take place on Monday, November 9 at Milton High School.
Woodwind & Brass Auditions will consist of:
1. Seven major scales (in 2 minutes or less) from memory, complete with arpeggios, at a minimum tempo of MM quarter note = 120. Scales are to be performed a minimum of 2 octaves where possible. Students who wish to play a 3rd octave may do so. All scales must be performed within the allotted time frame. Scales must be performed in complete octaves. Please use the All-State Scale Pattern. The scales should be tongued ascending and slurred descending where applicable. The student will be asked to perform scales in their transposed form. Scales will be performed in the following order, starting with the concert key of: G, C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, & Db. A
2. Chromatic Scale covering the range of their instrument…as given in the requirements below. The scale should be performed in even eighth notes at a minimum tempo of MM quarter note = 144. The scale should be tongued ascending and slurred descending where applicable. Scale should be memorized. Here are the requirements below:
Piccolo – 2 octaves from Eb Flute – 3 octaves from C Oboe – 2 octaves from C
Bassoon – 2 octaves from F Clarinet – 2 octaves from F Bass Cl – 2 octaves from E
Saxes – 2 octaves from C Trumpet – 2 octaves from G French Horn – 2 octaves from F
Trombone– 2 octaves from F Euphonium – 2 octaves from F Tuba – 2 octaves from F
A student may choose to perform additional octaves, however they must begin on the notated pitch. Additional points will not be awarded for partial octaves.
3. Play the prepared 2015-16 Santa Rosa All-County Honor Band Audition Music.
Flute Oboe Bassoon Clarinet Bass Clarinet Alto Sax Tenor Sax Bari Sax
Trumpet Horn Trombone Euphonium Tuba Xylophone Snare
4. Sightreading (provided at the audition).
Percussion Auditions will consist of:
- Snare Drum Audition Music
- Mallet Audition Music
- Snare Drum Sightreading (provided at the audition)
- Mallet Audition Sightreading (provided at the audition)