WE NEED YOUR HELP! It is crunch time and there are NUMEROUS spots available to help at the crawfish festival. This festival is next Saturday, April 21st. That is LESS THAN 2 WEEKS AWAY. Remember, this event is only as successful as what our parents make it. I also want to remind you that the festival is for our students! Yes, this is a Band Parent Association event, however, the BPA is there to support our kids. I'm not asking you to work all day, but I think our students are worth at least one shift of work and I hope you think so as well. All you have to do is sign-up at the following link:
Also, we need help with items in hospitality room. We will have a small hospitality for the workers to use for breaks. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to relax for a little bit after a you work your shift, then go enjoy the festival? Just sign-up for an item and bring it on that Saturday or that Friday. Please click the link to sign-up:
Remember, our motto is Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD and that means that ALL OF US, students, staff, & parents are in this TOGETHER.