FBA Solo & Ensemble is quickly approaching. The date for this is Saturday, February 12th at Escambia High School. This is the only date for the district S&E this year. If you wish to participate in this event, please print and fill out the form HERE. This form will also be available in the band room on the front table. You must perform a piece from the official FBA music list which can be found by CLICKING HERE. The form is due on Tuesday, January 18th.
You must perform a grade 3 or higher. You cannot perform a piece that you played at FBA within the past 4 years. You can perform in as many solos and/or ensembles as you wish, however, please keep in mind about preparation time. Also, if you need help with acquiring an accompanist, please indicate that on the form. If you wish to be eligible for the State S&E in April, you must earn a Superior rating on a grade 5 or higher. See us for any questions.