We are still in need of at least one more parent to be a part of the BPA Scholarship Committee. Currently, we have 2 parents. This committee will evaluate each applicant and determine two recipients of the BPA scholarship. The scholarship totals $2,000. This is split between 2 separate candidates receiving $1,000 a piece. Senior parents cannot be on this committee. I will communicate will the committee once it is finalized as to options for meeting as well as materials used. Please respond to this email with your name, number, and email address if you are interested.
Also, please help to encourage your child to access their Teams account daily. Every teacher is posting items to their classes throughout the day. Each teacher posts at various times, so students will need to access this at various times as we.. Believe, me WE KNOW THERE IS A LOT IN YOUR HANDS RIGHT NOW. There is also a lot we are trying to inform your students about especially with band. I know Mr. Weaver and I miss all of our students dearly and are trying our hardest to check up on all of them. There is a ton of information that can also be found on our home page at MiltonHighSchoolBand.com. Please stay in touch and help us all by staying connected. Remember, you are a part of the Mighty Black & Gold, so Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!
Thank you and stay safe and healthy!