It has been far too long since we have been together and can't wait until July when we start things band up.
ALL SCHOOL OWNED INSTRUMENTS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE BAND ROOM ON FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH 5PM-7PM. All you will do is drive up and hand these to me out of your vehicle and depart. If you have a school-owned instrument, this is REQUIRED.
We will be holding a virtual band meeting for everyone to join through Zoom on Thursday, July 2nd at 6pm. Please make plans to join on this as we will be going over everything you need to know about the 2020-21 MHS Band. Understand that the Band includes all winds, percussion, colorguard, and managers students and parents. This will be interactive and you will be able to talk to us live! Here is the info:
MHS Band Parent and Student Meeting
Jul 2, 2020 06:00 PM
Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 850 4001 6654
Password: 6hZajq
I will be sending another email later today or tomorrow about the exact schedule and guidelines for our return in July. We have finally received guidance from the county and are in the process of planning accordingly. July 6th/week is the set date for all marching rookies and July 13th is the set day/week for all marching band members. Please hold questions about this until I send the email with the exact schedule.
Until then, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, and Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!