Hello All,
Well, the first week of school is done and this snowball is now on an unstoppable path. Hopefully everyone has eased into the routine of things nice and well.
We had a great first game of the season and can’t wait till the next game this Friday at Washington. Parents, if you would like to volunteer to chaperone this game, please CLICK HERE.
Thank you to all of the parents that came out this past week to help stick shishkabobs! We will have a mass kabob meat sticking with the students on Wednesday September 5th 1:30-6pm. Please make sure you mark your calendars.
Speaking of marking your calendars, preparations are underway for the 3rd annual Blackwater Water Classic on Saturday, October 6th. Mr. Weaver has began creating each committee for this marching band festival. There are NUMEROUS areas for parents to help. IF you would like to volunteer, you can go ahead and sign-up now by clicking HERE. Remember, without your help, this competition will not be the success that it has come to be!
Students, for those of you that are interested in auditioning for All-State, Pensacola State College will be hosting their annual All-State clinic at their campus this Saturday. For anyone interested, please CLICK HERE for registration and more info.
That is all for now. I hope everyone has a terrific week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Abigaille Flores - Today (Sunday)
Elizabeth Hays - Today (Sunday)
Darin Barnes - Friday
Sarah Walker - Friday
This Week:
3:30-4:30 - HC Door Committee Meeting
6pm-9:30 - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
3:30-4:30 - HC Door Committee Meeting
6pm-9:30 - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
4pm-6:30 - Marching Band Rehearsal
5pm-8:30 - Colorguard Rehearsal
3rd Fair Share Due ($50)
1:40 - Call Time for Pep Rally (Wear Any year show shirt or section shirt and blue jeans/jean shorts)
AWAY Game vs Washington HS
5pm-Call Time (Wear Summer Uniforms)
5:15 - Depart for Washington HS
6pm - Arrive WHS/Unload
7pm - Kick-off
11:30ish - Arrive back at MHS
PSC All-State Clinic (Click HERE for more details)
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - HC Door Meeting, Full Marching Band Rehearsal
Tues - HC Door Meeting, Full Marching Band Rehearsal
Wed - Cookie Dough FR Due
Thurs - Marching Band Rehearsal
Fri - AWAY game vs Choctaw HS
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!