I hope this email finds you safe and well. Here are the happenings in the MB&G for this week.
Remaining Fair Share - As we begin the 2nd semester, it is time for us to remember that we need your help financially. Please remember that, although Pride makes this band go, finances are the items that keep us functioning. Fair shares this year totaled $155. Please look through financial statements on charms to see how much of this you still owe. You can access Charms login info by CLICKING HERE. Payments can be made through cash, check, or online. Online payments are made by CLICKING HERE. If you are having trouble accessing your account or having trouble making payments, please contact us immediately so we can help out with what we can.
Marching Band Pics - Here is the link to all of the marching band pictures we took yesterday. You can downlo'ad these if you would like. Each section came up with their own design for their section pictures. These have also been posted to our Facebook page: http://www.miltonhighschoolband.com/section-pictures.html
Individual Band Pics - All members of the Milton Band Family will be taking their individual phots on February 11th and 12th during their band classes. We will hand out order forms assoon as we receive them. Even if you do not plan to order these pictures, students will still get their picture taken. If for some reason students are absent on those days, you can schedule an appointment with Kay Brown photography to make this up.
Student Meat Sticking - Be aware that we have planned a student meat sticking immediately after school on Wednesday, January 20th. The BPA is in dire need to restock the supply of shish ka-bobs for this semester in order to sell these at events and, in turn, support our students in the band. Parents are welcome to volunteer to help as well by signing up on the yellow helping hand icon on the calendar. You must be approved by the school board as a volunteer in order to help out.
BPA Meeting - There will be a Band Parent Association meeting this Tuesday at 7pm. All parents are encouraged to join either in person or through the following Zoom link online:
- Meeting ID: 810 2735 6501
- Passcode: sM1zAg
Band Rehearsals - Symphonic, Concert, and Panther Bands will begin the after school rehearsals the last week of January. These are to prepare for the concert to be given in March. More info is to come about that concert. Please plan accordingly for your specific ensemble. This can be viewed on our calendar by CLICKING HERE.
That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Haley Priddy - Thursday
Nate Lewis - Friday
Tyler Hayhurst - Saturday
This Week:
5:30-7:30 - Colorguard Rehearsal
6pm-9pm - IP Rehearsal
5th & 6th Period Exams
7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81027356501?pwd=bjRxSEZPbUFacFh3WkNWeUUvelc4QT09
- Meeting ID: 810 2735 6501
- Passcode: sM1zAg
3rd & 4th Period Exams
End 2nd Nine Weeks
1st & 2nd Period Exams
6pm-9pm IP Rehearsal
Panning Day (No Classes)
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - MLK Day (No Classes), IP Rehearsal, Guard Rehearsal
Tues - Begin 3rd Nine Weeks
Wed - Student Meat Sticking
Thurs - IP Rehearsal
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!