Well, we're back! The band trip is over and everyone made it home safe and sound. I can't wait to get back to school and hear all of the stories, not just about the band trip but what everyone did during Spring Break. The trip was a wonderful success from the Washington DC Metro adventure to the New York City welcoming committee and could not have gone as smoothly as it did without the help of all of our band parents that participated. I want to thank all of you for getting us through it and I want to thank the students for being mature young adults, representing Milton well. I encourage all of you to check out just some of the pictures from the trip on both the Band Parent Association Facebook page and the Band Facebook page.
We are entering into the home-stretch to the end of the school year. WOW! That's incredible, isn't it? During this 9 weeks, we will be extremely busy preparing for the Crawfish Festival, spring concert, band banquet, next year's show and many many more things. Please make sure you keep an eye on your Charms calendar for every detail!
This Week:
- 6pm-9pm - Indoor Percussion Rehearsal (BRING SHOW UNIFORMS)
- 4:30-8pm - Winterguard Rehearsal
- 4:30-8pm - Winterguard Rehearsal
- 6pm-9pm - Indoor Percussion Rehearsal
- Circuit Championship Preview Show - JV & V Winterguard and possibly Percussion
- Indoor Circuit Championships at Tate High School
- 1:09 - Black Gold Percussion Ensemble
- 5:28 - JV Winterguard
- 6:42 - Varsity Winterguard
Looking ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Concert Band
Tues - Panther Band Performance/Signing Day
Thurs - Report Cards