Congratulations to the Blackwater Beats Jazz Band on a fine performance at Ft. Walton Beach. This marks the final performance of the 2023-24 MB&G.
CutTime Migration - You will be receiving a this message though Charms and CutTime today. We have uploaded all of the student info to the new CutTime hub. After May, we will have to use that exclusively as Charms will no longer be in service. All info including events, financial, volunteer sign-up, and more will now be through CutTime. We have not uploaded financial info yet. Once we do, you will see all balances due.
School-Owned Instruments Returned - This Tuesday, all school-owned instruments MUST be returned and out of lockers by the start of the school day. Schmidt's Music will be here quoting all instruments for servicing.
Band Banquet Decorating - The BPA will be decorating and setting up for the Band Banquet this Friday in the gymnasium starting at noon and continue after school until around 11 pm. . If you are interested in helping please sign up on the sign up sheet that will be posted in the Band room starting Monday. You will get volunteer hours for this. If you want to help during school hours, you must get permission from your 4th, 5th and 6th period teachers. Mr. Schultz and Mr. Coots will not send emails to your teachers and ask for you to be excused. Any questions please see Mrs. Wires.
Band Banquet Tickets - Band Banquet tickets will be available for purchase for 1 more day, Monday only. Must purchase by 6th period. Adults are $10 dollars, students are $5 dollars. Please see Mrs. Wires or Mrs. Armstrong in the Band Room.
Band Banquet - This Saturday is the annual Charles Bud Bell Band Banquet. This is a celebration of accomplishments by the Mighty Black & Gold for the year. Social activities and food will be served beginning at 4:30. The awards presentations will begin at 7pm. Please plan to wear semi-formal attire.
Make-up guard Auditions - Any student still interested in joining the colorguard who could not make it to the primary auditions, must attend the make-up auditions this Monday and Tuesday 6pm-8:30.
Lockers Cleaned Out - Next Monday, May 13th, all lockers must be cleaned out. Any item left in locker by the end of the day will be donated or thrown away.
Percussion Auditions - All percussion will need to plan to attend the percussion auditions on Monday, May 13th. Students will be placed on an appropriate marching instrument at that time. Concert bands placement will take place later in the school year.
New Leadership Team - This Monday, all leadership interviews will take place. Please be prompt for your interview timeslot. We will have a new leadership meeting after school on Monday, May 13th. We will also have a leadership camp on Saturday, May 25th. More info will be discussed. Both of the these are mandatory for all new leadership team members. The BPA would like to say Good Luck to all students who are Interviewing on Monday for Leadership positions. You all are Awesome!!!
Band Captain Video - The band captain videos have been uploaded. Please CLICK HERE to access these vids. Please watch these before the vote on Wednesday.
Step-off Rehearsal - The first rehearsal of the 2024-25 Mighty Black & Gold will be on Wednesday, May 15th 6pm-8:30. All members of the MB&G marching band are required to be in attendance for this. We will issue lockers and instruments as well as hand out music. Also, we will get to meet and mingle and have a fun night!
That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful week.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Mackenzie Morris - Friday
Tag Gilbride - Saturday
This Week:
Leadership Interviews
6pm-8:30 - Guard Make-up Auditions
6pm-8:30 - Guard Make-up Auditions
6pm - Avalon MS Concert
Drum Major In-Class Conducting
Leadership Voting
4:30-6pm - Drum Major Formal Auditions
4:30-10pm - Charles Bud Bell Band Banquet
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Lockers Cleaned Out, New Leadership Meeting, Percussion Auditions
Tues - Hobbs MS Concert, MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
Wed - AP Music Theory Test, Senior Exams, Tri-M Meeting, Step-off Rehearsal
Thurs - Senior Exams, King MS Concert
Fri - Senior Exams
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!