Welcome to the last normal/full week of classes this year!
This week we will be going through the final preparations for the Band Banquet on Saturday. All letter and bar apps were due this past Friday along with the absence appeal forms. Seniors, if you did not turn your Last Will in on Friday, please get it to me first thing Monday morning. I will be sending those to the printer Monday afternoon. Banquet tickets are on sale till Tuesday for $13 each. If you have paid your fair share in full, your ticket is free.
We will be undergoing leadership interviews during all band classes Monday and Tuesday. Potential band captains will also be giving their speeches during all band classes on Wednesday and Drum Major candidates will be conducting in front of the classes on Friday with the actual auditions that afternoon. All potential leaders need to take note of the leadership camp we will be hosting at Camp Koinonia on June 2nd and 3rd. If chosen for leadership, you are expected to attend this overnight camp. More details will be given after the banquet.
ALL uniforms must be returned, cleaned on Monday and Tuesday. Jackets, Sashes, Gauntlets, and any borrow parts need to be returned. Any item not returned will be marked as a tag on the student's record until the item or the money is given back. Please bring your helmets in as well as we need to collect the helmet lights.
We had a very successful Band Day this past Thursday! We are looking to receive 55 new members into the Mighty Black & Gold family with possibly more additions. Some of our sections may be a little over or under balanced next year. As we talked in the classes, if you are interested in switching to a different instrument, please talk with Mr. Weaver or me before doing so and we can talk about putting you in one of those high-need sections.
Finally, believe-it-or-not, our first rehearsal for the 2016-17 marching band season is next week. Students, please make plans to attend both of these required rehearsals on May 24th and 26th.
This Week:
- Turn in Uniforms (CLEANED)
- Leadership Interviews during class
- Turn in Uniforms (CLEANED)
- Leadership Interviews during class
- Band Favorites Due
- Last Day to Order Banquet Tickets
- Band Captain Speeches
- 5pm-8pm - Percussion interest camp
- 6pm-8:30 - Colorguard Audition Clinic
- 4:30-6:30 - Drum Major Auditions
- 6pm-11:30 - Charles "Bud" Bell Band Banquet
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Senior exams, Lockers Cleaned, Leadership Work Day, School-owned instruments returned, Jazz Auditions
Tues - Senior exams, Step-off rehearsal, Jazz Auditions
Wed - Seniors Last Day, Returning woodwinds auditions
Thurs - downbeat rehearsal, Returning brass auditions, colorguard audition clinic
Fri - Exams