Congratulations on getting through the MPA season. This was a tough and very educational season for everyone. We will take what the adjudicators suggested and keep moving forward to improve each area of music. We must all do our part to push upward and surpass any expectations we have for each other and ourselves.
We have finally arrived to the Washington DC/New York City Band trip!!! This week we make final preparations before we embark across the country! If you have any questions about the trip, please take a look at our trip page by CLICKING HERE. Remember, to see the itinerary, you will need to enter mhsband as the password when asked. Please don't forget the the 9/11 papers are due now. You can email them to me or turn them in to me on Monday. Students that are going on the trip must attend the meeting on Monday at 4pm.
There is a very important BPA meeting this Tuesday. We will be taking nominations for next year's BPA board as well as discussing important band banquet changes and forming a committee for this. Please make plans to attend
This is the last week of the 3rd Nine weeks. Concert band students, please make sure that any make-up work is turned in or performed no later than Tuesday.
Finally, we are STILL in need of FAIR SHARES! Please pay these now! We still have bills yet to be paid do to lack of total fair shares being turned in.
That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Donnelle McCrory - Today (Sunday)
Natalie Mason - Wednesday
Dominick Skultety - Friday
This Week:
4pm-5:30 - Student Trip Meeting
6pm-9pm - IP Rehearsal
4pm-7:30 - Guard Rehearsal
7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
Band Trip
End 3rd Nine Weeks
Band Trip
Teacher Planning Day (No Classes)
Band Trip
Band Trip
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Looking Ahead to 2 Weeks from Now:
Mon - Begin 4th Nine Weeks. IP Rehearsal, Beats & Eats Committee Meeting
Tues - 8th Grade Showcase, Guard Rehearsal
Thurs - IP Rehearsal
Fri - Bands on Blackwater
Sat - Indoor Circuit Championships
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!