Can you believe that we are only 1 month away from the end of the school year?? I honestly cannot! This time of year is such a bitter-sweet moment, but necessary. As everything draws closer, try not to forget about the various paperwork deadlines coming up:
BPA Band Scholarship - May 5th
Leadership Applications - May 11th
Band Favorites to be voted on - by May12
Last Wills - May 12th
Letter/Bar Applications - May 12
All of these deadlines are absolute. Please make sure you look over each of the papers thoroughly to verify that you have filled it out correctly and didn't miss anything. Also, please make sure all absences are rectified via the absence appeal forms in front of the money box by May 12th. One or more unexcused absences will nullify the letter/bar application.
This weekend, we will be host to Southwind Drum & Bugle Corp out of Mobile. This will be a wonderful opportunity for students, or anyone else, to come observe how a full-fledged drum corp rehearses. They will be learning drill, guard routines, having sectionals and other activities. Again, this is just for observation not for us to perform with them. As soon as we get a rehearsal schedule from them, we will send it out to all of our students. I encourage students to come out and watch and learn!
Please continue to make get all charms accounts up-to-date! We have sent out statements via hard copies and emails and have had many fair shares turned in. All accounts must be paid in full by the end of the school year, before rookie camp.
Last but not least, The spring concert extravaganza is just around the corner on May 5th at 6:30. Start getting the word out as all of our students have been working incredibly hard and you do not want to miss them showing off what they have been doing. All groups are playing some fantastic music, plus this will be the last time that our halftime show will be in performance for the public. Please make plans to attend!.
Happy Birthday to the Following Student this Week:
Autumn Vaderama - Monday
This Week:
- 3:45-6pm - Concert Band
- 3:45-5:30 - Concert Clarinet Sectional
- 3:45-5pm - Panther Band Rehearsal
- 3:45-5pm - Leadership Team Meeting
- 4pm-6pm - Percussion Interest Camp
Friday - Sunday
- Southwind Drum & Bugle Corp Rehearsals (Schedule TBA)
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Con Band, Guard Audition Camp
Tues - Sym Band, Guard Audition Camp
Wed - Pan Band, Guard Audition Camp
Thurs - Marching Band. Guard Audition Camp, IP Rehearsal
Fri - Spring Concert, BA Scholarship Due
Sat - Prom
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!