I hope this email finds you well. Please read through all of the info for this week in the MB&G.
Band Fees and Statements - Now that the new year and second semester is upon us, it is time to make the final payments for all band and indoor fees. All accounts have been updated with the BPA incentive volunteer discount. If you maid any deposits in the money box since the Friday before the break, I will be sending that to our bookkeeper and updating accounts on Monday. We need to get all accounts paid in full ASAP. I am planning a fundraiser with RADA cutlery to be kicked off after we return from the FMEA All-state conference to help with payments. I will try to hand hard copies of statements to students before Wednesday. Payments can be made online by CLICKING HERE or directly to the money box. If using checks to make separate payments to various fees, please use separate checks per fee.
BPA Concession Sales - We are in DESPERATE need of volunteers for BPA concessions sales at the Skate World on January 14-16. All of these have multiple shifts with ample opportunities to help. WE NEED YOU! Students may sign up as well. This is a great time to get those volunteer hours for Bright Futures Scholarship or to get those BPA incentives for band fees. We will be posting those to accounts soon!
Friday, Jan. 13 2pm-7pm - CLICK HERE
Saturday, Jan. 14 5am-10am, 10am-3pm, 3pm-8pm - CLICK HERE
Sunday, Jan. 15 5am-10am, 10am-3pm, 3pm-8pm - CLICK HERE
Monday Jan 16 8am-Noon, Noon-5pm - CLICK HERE
Fundraiser - As stated above, we will be kicking off the RADA cutlery fundraiser once we return from FMEA. Students have found much success with this in the past and earn 40% of sales towards Band Fees/Indoor Fees/Band Trip Fees. More info to come.
MHS BPA Monthly Meeting - This Tuesday night, we will have the January BPA monthly meeting at 7pm in Math West 131. These meetings are very important as we go over info for the band as well as events that the BPA organize and attend to help support our students. We hope to see you there.
Individual Band Pics - Kay Brown Photography will be in the band room on January 17th and 18th. ALL band students will have their picture taken whether or not you are ordering pictures. Order forms were passed out in class last week. If you did not receive one, we have plenty of extras in the band room. Mrs. Kay will handle all money. Students will need to bring uniform tops only (jacket, sash, gauntlets, and gloves) on those days.
Band Trip - The band trip is fast approaching. I will be ordering all theme park tickets in the next couple of weeks. Please make sure your payments are up to date. At this point, all participants should have paid $425 towards the trip. If anyone would like to be added to the trip, it is not too late. Please let me know ASAP. All info can be found by CLICKING HERE.
Mr. Riggs Visiting this week - Just fyi for Concert and Symphonic Band, Mr. Riggs will be coming in on Wednesday through Friday to rehearse those bands while Ms. Ruiz and I along with our 4 All-State students attend the conference in Tampa. Mr. Riggs is bringing a ton of amazing things to the table. He has directed bands in our county for over 30 years. He taught at Pace Middle and High School, then founded and taught at Avalon Middle school for years.
Sectionals - As stated on our calendar and below, we will begin the Concert and Symphonic sectionals this Tuesday and next week. Full band rehearsals will start after All-County.
That is all for now. I hope all of you have a fantastic week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following student according to Charms:
Madeline King - Monday
This Week:
6:30-9pm - IP Rehearsal
3:45-5pm - Concert Woodwind Sectional
3:45-5pm - Symphonic Brass Sectional
6pm-9pm - Winterguard Rehearsal
6:30-9pm - IP Rehearsal
7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
FMEA All-State - Mr. Riggs to Rehearse 5th and 6th Periods
FMEA All-State - Mr. Riggs to Rehearse 5th and 6th Periods
6pm-9pm - Winterguard Rehearsal
6:30-9pm - IP Rehearsal
FMEA All-State - Mr. Riggs to Rehearse 5th and 6th Periods
Report Cards
BPA Concession Sales for Skate World (See info above)
BPA Concession Sales for Skate World (See info above)
BPA Concession Sales for Skate World (See info above)
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - MLK Day (No Classes), BPA Concession Sales for Skate World (See info above), Second IP Fee Due ($100), IP Rehearsal
Tues - Individual Band Pics, FAST Testing periods 1, 3, 5 meet, S&E Forms Due, Concert Brass Sectional, Symphonic Woodwind Sectional, IP Rehearsal, Winterguard Rehearsal
Wed - Individual Band Pics, FAST Testing periods 2, 4, 6 meet
Thurs - FAST Testing periods 1, 3, 5 meet, All-County Rehearsal
Friday - FAST Testing periods 2, 4, 6 meet
Sat - Best of the West Jazz Competition (Jazz Band Performance), IP Rehearsal
Together We Are the Mighty Black & Gold!!!