Hope everyone has enjoyed your week and weekend.
BPA Concession Sales - The BPA is still in need of lots of help with selling concessions at Skate World in Milton. The last day for this event is Monday. THANK YOU TO ALL THAT HAVE HELPED OUT SO FAR!!. This is a MAJOR event for our community and out has been tasked with selling concessions all day. They will be serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Thousands of people will be in attendance throughout that week. WE NEED YOUR HELP if at all possible. Please use the link below to sign-up. Email Arlene Wires for further information [email protected].
Mon Jan 15th - CLICK HERE
Individual Band Pics - Kay Brown Photography will be in the band room on January 23rd and 24th. ALL band students will have their picture taken whether or not you are ordering pictures. Order forms will be passed out this week. Mrs. Kay will handle all money.
All-State Band - OUTSTANDING JOB to Josiah Hall for his part in All-State Concert Band this past week! it was wonderful to see so many students from around the state represented on stage. Josiah represented MHS and Santa Rosa County.
All-County Band Rehearsal - This Thursday is the first of the All-County rehearsals. This will be held at the MHS Band Room 6pm-8:30. Attendance is required. Any student that is not present will forfeit their chair in the band.
Best of the West - Unfortunately the Best of the West Jazz competition event was canceled by the event coordinators. The Jazz Band will not be performing Saturday.
That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following student according to Charms:
Josiah Hall - Tuesday
This Week:
MLK Day (No School)
7am-5pm - BPA Concession Sales at Skate World
3:45-5pm - Symphonic Woodwind Sectional
6pm-9pm - Winterguard Rehearsal
6:30-8:30 - IP Rehearsal
6pm-9pm - Winterguard Rehearsal
6pm-8:30 - All-County Rehearsal
6:30-8:30 - IP Rehearsal
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Tues - Individual Band Pics, Concert Brass Sectional, Symphonic Band Rehearsal, Winterguard Rehearsal, IP Rehearsal
Wed - Individual Band Pics
Thurs - All-County Band Rehearsal, Winterguard Rehearsal
Fri - All-County Band Rehearsal
Sat - All-County Band Rehearsal, All-County Band Concert
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!