PLEASE CLICK HERE TO PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE ONLINE! If you forgot your Charms password, CLICK HERE for directions on how to access your account.
Thank you to everyone that helped out at Band Day this past Tuesday. We had a blast and it seems to be another resounding success. Right now, our estimated number of new members is just over 70 with our total numbers of the marching band at 220 and in the whole band around about 225. This number will fluctuate a bit until band camp. Thank you all again!
This week, we are in major Band Banquet preparation mode. Monday, our students will be voting for leadership and listening to the band captain candidate speeches. If any student is testing that day during you band class, please stop by the band room at the end of school and cast your votes. Monday is the only day we will be doing this, so if you miss that day, you will not be able to make cast later. Banquet tickets are on sale for $12. Remember, any student who's fair shares are paid in full gets a free ticket for that student. Tickets will be on sale till Tuesday. Please attend the BPA meeting on Tuesday night at 7pm for any further information.
There is a ton of stuff occurring over the next several weeks. Please make sure you keep track of the calendar closely and hold on tight! Only 3 more weeks left of school. Seniors, this is your last full week of classes.....:-( :-(
That is all for now. I hope all of you have a wonderful week!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Savannah Davis - Today (Sunday)
Alyson Tolle - Monday
Lacey White - Monday
Emily Blalock - Wednesday
This Week:
Band Captain Speeches/Leadership Voting
6:30 - King MS Concert
4pm-6pm - CG Final Auditions/Weapons Sectional
7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
Drum Major in-class routines
4pm-6pm - CG Weapons Sectional
5pm-7pm - Percussion Interest Camp
4:30-6:30 - Drum Major Auditions
4pm - Bands on Blackwater
9am - Mud Races (BPA Event)
6pm-11:30 - Bud Bell Band Banquet
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Lockers Cleaned, Leadership Work-day
Tues - Step-Off Rehearsal
Wed - Senior Final Exams, Returning Woodwind Auditions
Thurs - Senior Final Exams, Returning Brass Auditions
Fri - Seniors Last Day :-(, Bands on Blackwater, King MS Concert
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!