Thank you everyone for your understanding with the cancellation of the Christmas parade as well as the Veteran's Day parade. We still do not have word on any rescheduling for the Christmas parade, but will get the word out as soon as we know.
This Thursday at 6:30 the Mighty Black & Gold Panther, Concert, and Symphonic bands along with the Blackwater Beats Jazz Band will be in performance. This is a free concert that will take place in the MHS Auditorium. Please come out and support our wonderful students and get into the holiday season!
This Friday is also the band Christmas Party for the students right after school till around 8pm. All students are invited to come out and enjoy a pasta bar provided by the BPA, a movie/kickball, and the secret Santa gift exchange. Students, if you choose to participate in the gift exchange, you must provide a gift worth a minimum of $5. We will start taking these up on Monday. Gifts need to be brought to me (Schultz) first so I can add you to the list.
Last but not least, if you are interested in participating in the USM All-South Honor Band this year, please CLICK HERE, read the info, and follow the links provided. We can help with recordings if needed, but you will need to fill out the application.
That is all for now. I hope everyone has an amazing week!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Mikayla Raney - Today (Sunday)
Sydney Stenerson - Monday
Shawn Gallaway - Wednesday
This Week:
3:45-6pm - Concert Band Rehearsal
6pm-9pm - IP Rehearsal
4pm-6pm - Symphonic Band Rehearsal
5pm-9pm - Indoor Guard Rehearsal
5:45 - Adult Meat Sticking
4pm-5:30 - Panther Band Rehearsal
- 6pm - Call Time in concert black uniform (Normal uniform minus gauntlets, gloves, and helmet)
- 6:30 - Concert Start
5pm-9pm - Indoor Guard Rehearsal
3:45-8pmish - Band Christmas Party
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - IP Rehearsal
Tues - Jazz Band Performance at Forsythe House, Trip Meeting, Indoor Guard Rehearsal
Thurs - IP Rehearsal, Indoor Guard Rehearsal
Sat - BPA Christmas Party
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!