I want to be gin by saying outstanding job to the Blackwater Beats Jazz Band for the their performance at the Jazz MPA at Washington HS this past Friday! We earned an overall Excellent, however, after seeing the standing ovation after we were done and hearing the comments from several band directors and audience members in the room, we know it was a superior performance. Regardless, these students brought the house down!
Now we enter our third an final week of MPA season with concert MPA this Thursday at Ft. Walton Beach HS. Students, make sure you have made arrangements to be at your rehearsal for the full time. Just like in marching season, any absences from these last rehearsals will impede your participation in Thursday's performances. Parents, if you would like to volunteer to chaperone this Thursday, please CLICK HERE. The itinerary is below. Students will need to wear their concert black uniforms and bring money for dinner at the various fast food restaurants at Uptown Station in Ft. Walton Beach. Parents and guard, I encourage all of you to come out and listen and support these groups! Admission is FREE and these students have been working hard up to this point!
Both of our winterguards will be in performance this Saturday at the Pace Indoor Competition. The JV performs at 5:40 and the Varsity performs at 6:09. Admission is $10.00 at the gate. If you haven't seen theme yet, come on out! These students have been working extremely hard and have improved so much over these last few months.
The Crawfish Festival is coming up quickly and we are in desperate need of more vendors. I have attached the Vendor application for you to use for whomever. Please get the word out. This has become a huge event for the BPA which intern supports our students. You can also direct folks to our website by clicking HERE. The festival is April, 21st 10am-8pm. The entertainment lineup so far is the Blackwater Beats Jazz Band, Chasing Fridays and the Rowdies. We will have a poster soon.
That is all for now. I hope you have a Superior week ;-)
Happy Birthday to the Following Student this week according to charms:
Sydney Moore - Thursday
This Week:
3:45-6pm - Concert Band Rehearsal
6pm-9pm - IP Rehearsal
4pm-6:30 - Symphonic Band Rehearsal
4pm-9pm - Winterguard Rehearsal
4pm-5:30 - Panther Band
FB A Concert MPA
11:30 - Lunch in cafeteria
Noon - Meet in Band Room
12:30 - Depart for Ft. Walton Beach HS
1:30 - Arrive FWBHS/Con & Sym Bands go to Auditorium
2:05 - Panther Band Warm-up
2:35 - Panther Band Performance
3:15 - Concert Band Meet at Truck/Panther Band return to auditorium
3:45 - Concert Band Warm-up
4:15 - Concert Band Performance
4:40 - Symphonic & Panther Bands leave for dinner (Uptown Station)
5:15 - Concert Band leaves for dinner (Uptown Station)
6:00 - Symphonic Band returns to Ft. Walton Beach HS
6:45 - Panther & Concert Bands return to Ft. Walton Beach HS
6:45 - Symphonic Band meet at truck
7:15 - Symphonic Band Warm-Up
7:45 - Symphonic Band Performance
8:45 - All Bands return to buses/Depart for MHS
9:45 - Arrive/Unload MHS
10pm - Dismiss
Pace Indoor Show (See Ms. Byrd for full itinerary)
- 5:40 - JV Winterguard
- 6:09 - Varsity Winterguard
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - IP Rehearsal
Tues - Student Trip Meeting, Adult Trip Meeting
Thurs - Firehouse Subs Spirit Night, IP Rehearsal, Middle School MPA
Fri - Middles School MPA
Sat - Escambia Indoor Show
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!