State MPA - WOW! I can't say it enough. The Symphonic Band had an amazing performance Friday in Tallahassee earning straight superior ratings, all A's on the sheets, and a standing ovation. OUTSTANDING job to all of our students!
NWFL Jazz Festival - This Friday, the MHS Jazz Combo....working on a different name....will be performing at 4:30 Pace Assembly of God for the NWFL Jazz Festival. This is a portion of the jazz band. Please come out and support these students and enjoy a FREE concert of Jazz.
Woodwind Day - This Saturday, MHS will host the first woodwind day. We will have professional instrumentalists from the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra on campus to give a performance and masterclassess for each woodwind instrument. Schmidt's Music will also be on site with step-up instruments for anyone looking to purchase or rent. All MHS woodwinds need to make plans to attend. We will have students from all across the three county area here as well.
Band Banquet Deadlines - Please be aware that deadlines for the various forms are coming up. Please see below for deadlines:
- Band Captain Speeches - Due Friday, April 28th - CLICK HERE
- BPA Scholarship Applications - Due Friday, April 28th - CLICK HERE
- Leadership Applications - Due Friday, May 5th - CLICK HERE
- Letter/Bar Applications - Due Friday, May 5th - CLICK HERE
- Senior Last Wills - Due Friday, May 5th - CLICK HERE
Spring Concert Showcase - Please make plans now to attend the MHS Band Spring Concert Showcase on Friday, May 5th. This is a FREE concert with all of our ensembles on display. The Indoor guard and percussion will kick everything off in the gym at 6pm. Then the Concert Band, Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, and Marching Band will finish off in the auditorium beginning at 7pm. You do not want to miss out on this final major performance of the year.
Next Fundraiser - We will be officially kicking off our next and final fundraiser of the school year this Thursday. We have already began the process of this last week. You may have received a link to an app or website called MoneyDolly. This is set up similar to the uniform drive earlier in the semester except money earned will go directly to student band fee accounts. We will be selling beef jerky and caramel corn for this one. Students are asked upon setting up accounts to add contacts to their accounts. Once the fundraiser begins on Thursday, those contacts from anywhere in the country can order or donate to the band and the products will ship directly to them. Please keep an eye out on your phones on Thursday.
That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Ryan Salgado - Monday
Morgan Mills - Tuesday
This Week:
4pm-6pm - Symphonic Band Rehearsal
1:30 - Hooding Ceremony
Beef Jerky and Caramel Corn Fundraiser Kickoff
4pm-6pm - Concert Band Rehearsal
6pm - Stevenson & Klotz Band member of the year banquet (Ethan, Andres, and Savannah being honored)
Band Captain Speeches Due
BPA Scholarship Applications Due
NWFL Jazz Festival at Pace Assembly
- Jazz Combo Performance
- 4pm - Warm-up
- 4:30 - Performance
- 6:30 - Awards
9am-Noon - Woodwind Day at Milton HS
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Concert Band Rehearsal
Tues - Symphonic Band Rehearsal
Thurs - Marching Band Rehearsal, IP Rehearsal, Guard Rehearsal, Avalon MS Concert
Fri - Leadership Apps Due, Last Wills Due, Letter and Bar Apps Due, Spring Concert Showcase
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!