Welcome to the first of three competition weeks for the marching season! There are a lot of things going on this week so please make sure you keep up to date with the calendar and use the off times wisely with homework and rest and whatnot.
- 6pm-7pm - Group/Section Pictures (BRING ALL UNIFORM PARTS)
- 7pm-9:30pm - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
- 6pm - 9:30pm - Full Band Rehearsal (Last tuesday night rehearsal of the season...sorta)
- 4pm-6:30pm - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
- 4pm-8pm - Colorguard Rehearsal
Game vs Pine Forest
- 5:30 - Meet and leave
- 6:15 - Arrive PFHS
- 7:30 - Kick-off
- 11:30 - Arrive back at MHS
Afternoon Performance/Departure Schedule
9:30 am - Meet at MHS
10:00 am - Depart MHS
12:45 pm - Arrive Biloxi High School
1:45 pm - Warm-Up
2:45 pm - Perform
3:15 pm - Awards
Evening Performance/Departure Schedule
7:45 pm - Warm-Up
8:45 pm - Perform
9:45 pm - Awards
10:30 pm - Depart for MHS
1:00 am - Arrive MHS
Announcements For Saturday:
Fire House Subs box lunch will be provided in route to Biloxi
You will need to wear THIS YEAR’S show shirt at all times on this trip
You may want to bring a change of undergarments for nonperformance times with the exception of a shirt
You will need to bring money for dinner at the concession stand. $20 will be more than enough!
As you can see, we have a very busy week but it will be over before you know it! Further information about the Biloxi competition can be found HERE. Please be aware of events over the next couple of weeks as well, all of which can be found on the CHARMS CALENDAR.
Next Week (Homecoming Week):
Mon - Full Band Rehearsal
Tues - 7 pm Escapades performance
Thur - Pep Rally
- Rehearsal
Fri - Homecoming Parade/ Game
Together We Are The Mighty Black & Gold!!