I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break and got plenty of rest and plenty of food. Time to hit the ground running over the next 3 busy weeks!
As you see on the this week's calendar below, there is pretty much something going on after school every day this week, including Saturday. Please make sure you look at the schedule carefully and attend the correct rehearsals/performances.
The Blackwater Beats jazz band will kickoff the Christmas season by welcoming Santa to Milton in the "Light up Milton" Parade on Friday. We will parade down Oak Street and end at the gazebo at the Veteran's Memorial Plaza on Willing Street. There are many events after the parade on Friday which can be seen by CLICKING HERE
If you wold like to help with the concessions on Friday night, please click the link below.
Concessions Sales:
The BPA needs your help! They will be putting a float together for the Milton Christmas Parade for this Saturday. The committee is meeting on Monday and will be going over ideas for the decorations. This year's parade theme is "A Cartoon Christmas". Parents and students are invited to come out and help decorate the float on Friday and Saturday. Time TBD. If you would like to ride the float or walk with the float to hand out candy canes, please sign up on the link below. If you ride the float it is probably best to assume that you will need to help decorate. If you have any questions, please email Rhonda Harris at [email protected]
Parade Float Riders/Walkers:
Speaking of parades, the Mighty Black & Gold Marching Band will ring in the Christmas season with the City of Milton Christmas Parade. Students are asked to wear Santa hats and decorate as you want. We will wear full uniforms with Santa hats in place of helmets. Should you choose to decorate, please make sure you can still play your instrument and march. The parade will begin on James street and go south on Stewart Street and end at Margaret Street Church of Christ where the band truck will be parked. You will need to make sure you have a ride waiting at Margaret Street or you can walk back to the band room. If you will be putting your instrument on the truck, please make sure your case gets on there BEFORE we meet. The itinerary is below.
Parents, if you would like to walk with the band for the parade, please sign up using the following link.
Parade Band Walkers Sign-up:
The Christmas concert is on December 7th at 6:30. Please invite everyone you know to this FREE concert. It will begin at 6:30 in the MHS auditorium and will feature the Symphonic Band, Concert Band, Panther Band, and the Blackwater Beats Jazz Band.
Finally, the band Christmas party is Friday, December 8th. More info for this will be provided in next week's email. Students, if you would like to participate in the secret Santa gift exchange, you will need to provide a gift to be exchanged. The minimum amount to spend on the gift(s) is $5.
Sorry about the length of this email but this is a busy busy week! Hope everyone has a great week.
Happy Birthday to the following students this week according to charms:
Talmadge Hale - Monday
Jonathan Sauls - Monday
Rafael Maldonado - Tuesday
Amber Rolin - Wednesday
Blake Welch - Wednesday
Ansley Cole - Friday
Mikayla Raney - Saturday
This Week:
- 3:45-6pm - Concert Band Rehearsal
- 6pm-9pm - IP Rehearsal
- 6:30 - Float Committee Meeting
- 4pm-6:30 - Symphonic Band Rehearsal
- 4pm-9pm - JV/Varsity Winterguard practice
- 3:45-5:30 - Panther Band Rehearsal
- 6:30 - Crawfish Festival Committee Meeting
- Lumpia FR Due
- 3:45-5:30 - Jazz Band Rehearsal
- 4pm-9pm - JV/Varsity Winterguard Practice
- 6pm-9pm - IP Rehearsal
- Remaining Trip Balance Due (Students $265, Adults $295)
- Parade Float Decorating time TBD
- Light Up Milton Parade (Jazz Band)
- 4:45 - Call time by Canal Street school board office (Wear performance black)
- 5:30 - Parade Start
- 6pm - Parade end/Dismiss
- Parade Float Decorating time TBD
- Milton Christmas Parade
- 4pm - Band Room Unlocked
- 4:45 - Band Room LOCKED
- 5pm - Meet at empty lot on Byrom and James Street north of the skate park
- 6pm - Parade Start
- 7pmish - Parade ends at Margaret Street Church of Christ
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Concert Band, IP
Tues - Symphonic Band
Wed - Panther Band
Thurs - Christmas Concert
Fri - Band Christmas Party
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!