WELCOME BACK!! After a long break, we are finally getting the band back together. I hope all of you have enjoyed this break and are geared up ready to go for all of the events coming up. I am looking forward to seeing everyone once again and getting the show on field and hearing all about how you have spent your break. Please look through all of the info below carefully.
Rehearsals - We have 2 rehearsals this week, Tuesday and Thursday 6pm-9pm in the band hall/on the field. These are required rehearsals and attendance is a must. We will be handing out music for the halftime show and going over the UDB app. We will also, hopefully be giving out drill coordinates. Make sure you BRING YOUR MARCHING INSTRUMENT and wear comfortable clothing. If you have already contacted me about these days, then you are good to go.
BPA at Riverfest - There are still a few open spots in which to volunteer at the Milton Riverfest. This is one of the busiest events for the BPA and all help is welcome. Students may sign up as well. All volunteers must sign up on the charms event by CLICKING HERE. You can also click the yellow helping hand symbol on the event itself on the calendar. It will be a fun day with lots of opportunities to make new friends.
First Band Fee Due - This Thursday, the first payment towards the fair share band fee is due. This is a $50 payment. This must be turned in so we can pay bills that have already accrued. Checks are made payable to MHS Band. We also take cash. You can also pay online by CLICKING HERE. If you have forgotten your charms password, please email me and I can reset it. If you have not logged into charms yet, CLICK HERE for instructions on how to login.
Chaperone Training - We have moved the chaperon training to Thursday, July 14th at 6:30pm-7:30pm in the band hall. If you are hoping to chaperone at any point this year, you must attend a chaperone training. If you cannot make this one, we will have another one on August 18th at 7:15pm in the band hall.
Show Music - We have received part 1 music of the halftime show for the winds. I am expecting percussion music at any point. You can access the folder with the sheet music and recording by CLICKING HERE. I have also attached the part distribution for the winds. Students, understand that with the halftime show music, we distribute parts differently than you may be used to with other bands. This is to ensure the best overall sound of the marching band. Don't fret, there is always a method to what we do and why we do.
UDB App - We have received all of the info for the UDB app. For our new folks, the UDB or Ultimate Drill Book app is the app that we use to set drill on the field for the halftime show. We have used this for the past three years and have found light years of success since then each year. The band has purchased licenses for you. The app will not cost you to download and does not have any in-app purchases. Students will need this on their mobile devices to get their drill placement for the season. You do not need to have a data plan to use this app. You will need to be connected to wifi or data to download the app initially as well as download the drill once we receive it. Once all of this has been downloaded, you are good to go and your mobile device does not have to be connected to any data while using the app. If you have a phone that you are no longer using that can connect to wifi, we do accept these as donations for students that do not have a mobile device. Please CLICK HERE for further instructions. We will go over everything with this app on Thursday of next week, so please try to have everything set up by then.
Leadership - We will have our river outing this Saturday at Adventures Unlimited. Don\'t forget to bring your $25 by Saturday. We will meet at the band hall at 8:30am and caravan Adventures. Go ahead and start thinking about who will ride with whom and who will be driving. The band staff will also be joining :-)
Band Camp - Band Camp is just one week away. These are the most important 2 weeks of the beginning of marching season. Attendance is required. Remember, we will go 1pm-4pm outside/inside, 4pm-5pm dinner, 6pm-9pm outside. We will keep track of weather conditions each day and make the best decisions about outside activities. Make sure you have a water thermos or camel pack by next Monday. More info to come throughout the week.
Band Mass Carwash - We will host the annual band mass carwash on Saturday, July 16th 8:30am-2:30pm. Attendance for this is also required for students. This is a major fundraising event. Students will sign up in person on lists in the band room. We will do this by seniority. Students DO NOT sign up on Charms for this. Parents, we need chaperones for each location. We have secured 3 locations now and will have a 4th soon. Ollie's on Hwy 90, Advanced Auto on Dogwood, and Milton High School at the Cafeteria parking lot. Parents, can CLICK HERE to sign up. If we don't have chaperones, we will not be able to hold this event. If you did not receive a pledge sheet, you can CLICK HERE and download one. Remember, this is a pledge style fundraiser. It is our goal to wash as many vehicles as possible on that day. The more vehicles washed, the more your pledges will be. You have the opportunity to pay off your entire band fair share fee with this one fundraiser as long as you GET THE PLEDGES.
Preview Show - Go ahead and make plans now to be at the first performance of the 2022-23 MHS Mighty Black & Gold on Thursday, July 21st at 7pm in the Football stadium. This is a free performance that you do not want to miss!
That is all for now. If you made it this far, BRAVO! Don't forget to look at the events below and have a wonderful week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Joseph Johnson - Wednesday
This Week:
Independence Day
7am-11pm - BPA Concession Sales at Milton Riverfest
- Click this link to volunteer - https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=MiltonHSB&v=5567434
6pm-9pm - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
Fair Share Band Fee Payment one Due ($50)
6pm-9pm - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
8:30am-2:45pm - Leadership River Day
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Thurs - BAND CAMP, Chaperone Training
Sat - Band Mass Carwash
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!