HAPPY FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL TO ALL!! I hope everyone is excited and ready to get back into the swing of things. Please read through the following for this wee and remember that we are here to help you find your way if you get lost...meant to mean multiple things haha.
Schedules - Make sure you look at your schedule carefully. If there are still any errors with your band classes, please contact guidance ASAP! On Tuesday, there will be a procedure for any schedule errors explained by your first period teacher.
Uniform Ordering - The deadline to order uniform parts is fast approaching. All parts should be ordered by Friday, August 20th. We plan to be in full uniform the first game in September. CLICK HERE for ordering information. If you lost the paper with your sizes, order the same size shoe and pants as you normally would wear. Bibbers are adjustable. Guard uniform information is also on that link.
Fair Shares - Please make sure that all fair shares stay up to date. At this point, all students should have already paid $50 towards the band fair share for the first payment. The second payment of $100 is due Tuesday. Checks are made out to MHS Band. We also take cash. CLICK HERE to make an online payment.
BPA Meeting - Parents, please come on out to the Band Parent Association monthly meeting this Tuesday in the band room at 7pm. We will be going over lots of vital information as well as volunteer opportunities for you. We do not currently have plans to live stream this meeting.
Meat Sticking - We have scheduled the first mass shish kabob meat sticking right after school next Thursday, August 19th 3:30-6pm. This is for all students, however, parents are welcome to help out. We will not have a Thursday rehearsal on that day, August 19th, because of this. Students, will need to make plans to attend.
That is all for now. I hope all of you have a wonderful first day and week!
No birthdays this week according to Charms
This Week:
7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
Fair Share Payment 2 Due ($100)
4pm-7pm Marching Winds/Percussion Rehearsal
5:30-8pm - Guard Rehearsal
9pm-1pm - BPA Concession Clean up
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Tues - Full Marching Band Rehearsal, Chaperone Training
Thurs - Meat Sticking
Fri - Uniform Ordering Deadline, Pep Rally at East Milton ES (Leadership and those that can drive)
Sat - BPA Concession Sales at Mud Races
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!