Symphonic Rehearsal Tuesday - All incoming band 8th graders are invited to sit in on the Symphonic Band rehearsal on Tuesday. They may bring their horns and read along with the our students. This will be during the 5pm-6pm portion of the rehearsal. Please invite all your 8th grade friends to join!
Band/Indoor Fees - We need all band and indoor fees paid in full ASAP. You can bring in cash or check and put in the moneybox in front of the band office or pay online by CLICKING HERE. The list of all students that owe was sent to the front office this past week. I also sent statements home with students. Please get these paid ASAP. All fee must be paid before the band banquet on May 11th.
Spring Concert - Everyone is invited and encouraged to come out and show your support for all of our students Friday, April 26th in the Gym and Auditorium. The whole concert will begin at 6pm in the gym with our Winterguard and Indoor Percussion groups. Then we will transfer to the Auditorium to hear the rest of our groups at 7pm. This is a totally FREE event. Please come out and enjoy the year in review from all of our wonderful students.
Band Banquet - The Charles Bud Bell Band Banquet is Saturday, May 11th 4:30pm-9pm at the MHS Gym. There will be social time starting at 4:30pm-7pm. This will include music, dance floor, photo opportunities and lots and lots of food and drink. ALL band students are invited and this is FREE for all BAND Students. If the students would like to bring a friend or date, whom is not in band to the social time, and they are a student, they must purchase a ticket to help with the cost of extra food and drinks for guests. If any adult would like to attend the social time, they must purchase a ticket for them as well. Again to cover the cost of extra food. Students tickets are $5 and parent tickets are $10. Please plan to dress formal/semi-formal. Tickets will be on sale in the band hall every morning until May 3rd.
That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Stephen Johnson - Monday
Logan Campbell - Tuesday
Eli Jones - Tuesday
Bradley Toomey - Wednesday
This Week:
4pm-6pm - Symphonic Band Rehearsal (8th Graders invited 5pm-6pm)
3:45-5pm - Concert Brass Sectionals
4pm-6pm - Concert Band Rehearsal
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Concert Band Rehearsal
Tues - Symphonic Band Rehearsal
Thurs - Marching Band Rehearsal, IP Rehearsal, Winterguard Rehearsal
Fri - MHS Band Spring Concert Showcase, All Banquet Forms Due
Sat - Prom
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!