Congratulations on completing the first week of school for 2020-21! I hope all of you are now settled in to the new school year with all the temporary routines. Thank you all for pushing forward and upward with everything that is thrown in our way! Keep it up.
A big shout out and thank you to all of our volunteers who have helped out with the Band Parent Association the past couple of weeks selling concessions and cleaning at the various events! Thank you for continuing to do what it takes to help our students!
Band shirts have arrived for the students! We will be distributing these during classes on Monday. Students must have at least $12 of the band fair share paid in the charms accounts to receive these shirts as part of the band fair shares. The total amount for fare shares this year was increased to $155 to add the performance face masks and bell covers for all students. Your balance due should read $143 or less in order to receive these shirts. Please see the links below to access your Charms Account and payment info:
Charms Access Info:
Charms Account online payment info:
Cash and Checks are also acceptable forms of payments. These must be turned into the money box in front of the band office. All accounts have been updated with all payments with the exception of the RADA fundraiser. If you know you sold at least $ 30 for that fundraiser, you are good to go.
That is all for now. I hope you have a blessed week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Simeon Tucker - Today (Sunday)
Hailey Cole - Wednesday
Asanti Craig - Wednesday
Dalton Ray - Saturday
This Week:
7pm - BPA Board Meeting @El Paso
4pm-6pm - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
4pm-6pm - Colorguard Rehearsal
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Labor Day (No Classes)
Tues - Full Marching Band Rehearsal, Guard Reheasal, BPA Monthly Meeting
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!