FBA - WOW! AMAZING! BRAVO! Great job to all of our students for a SUPERIOR performance at the FBA Marching MPA. You really brought the house down Saturday night. We are proud of each and everyone of you for that performance as well as representing MHS well all day long. We received several compliments about student behavior. Thank you to our wonderful parents for helping chaperone and get those plumes in the helmets. We are learning a lot about that whole process and will try to make it easier next time haha. Students, lets continue pushing forward and upward :-)
MHS BPA Meeting - We encourage all parents to attend the BPA meeting this Tuesday night at 7pm. We will be going over all of the BPA and band events left in October and a few beyond. Please come and help support the association that supports our students.
Video Game Night - This Thursday, we are opening up the band room from 7pm-9pm after marching band rehearsal for a video game night. Since our half time show is about modern video games and we are in the mist of Bandtober, we wanted to help break up the monotony of the month andcelebrate the hard work of our students with a little something. This is not a required attendance night. Students may come and go as they please. If any of you have a Switch, Playstation, Xbox, or any other game console that you would be willing to bring in, please do so. We have 4 screens in the band room we can use. Snacks and drinks are also welcome.
Game Friday - As a reminder, we do have a game this Friday. See itinerary below. The BPA will be serving dinner to any student that would like at 3:30-4:30 in room 131 across from the band room. On the menu is walking tacos, soft tacos, Firehouse subs, chips, brownies, and chips. We are in need of chaperones and one more driver for this game. Please CLICK HERE to sign up directly. Students, please DO NOT wear your claw shirts for this game. Wear any black shirt you have. We will wear the claw shirts for the competition.
Little Big Horn - This Saturday is our second of 3 competitions. This one is at Opp HS in Alabama. See itinerary below. We do need chaperones for this competition as well. Please CLICK HERE to sign up directly. Students will need to wear your claw shirts for this competition. Students will also need to bring money for dinner at the concessions. Their concessions are CASH ONLY. Tickets for the event are $7. These can be purchased in advance by CLICKING HERE.
BPA Sweet Season Concessions - The BPA is still in need of lots of help for the concessions sales at Sweet Seasons. These sales over the years helped to purchase those amazing looking helmets and plumes we debuted at FBA. Those represent thousands of hours and hard work from our BPA. Parents, we need your help at these events to continue raising money for the rest of the uniform. Please sign up. You can use the links below:
- Saturday Oct 15th - CLICK HERE
- Sunday Oct 16th - CLICK HERE
- Saturday Oct 22nd - CLICK HERE
- Sunday Oct 23rd - CLICK HERE
- Saturday Oct 29th - CLICK HERE
- Sunday Oct 30th - CLICK HERE
Tiger Invitational - The last of the competitions will occur on October 22nd at Pensacola HS. We are working on an itinerary for this event and will send it out this week. We perform at 8:10pm. More info to come.
SRC Marching Band Exhibition - This annual event will take place on October 25th at Pace HS and will be an exhibition of all 5 high school marching bands in Santa Rosa County. This is a free event and will begin at 6:30pm with a simultaneous march-in of all the bands. Currently, we are planning transportation to this event. Since it is right up the road, we will allow students to drive themselves or ride with others. Students will need to plan to bring their own instrument with them with the exception of front ensemble. We will be taking only one truck for this. More info will be given at a later date.
That is all for now. I hope all of you have a marvelous week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to charms:
Trenton Sullivan - Wednesday
This Week:
Begin 2nd Nine Weeks
6pm-8:30 - Marching Band Rehearsal
7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
4pm-7pm - Marching Band Rehearsal
7pm-9pm - Video Game Night
AWAY Game vs Navarre HS
3:30-4:30 - BPA Dinner for Students
5pm - Call Time
5:15 - Depart for NHS
6pm - Arrive NHS
7pm - March-in
7:30 - Kickoff
10:45ish - Depart for MHS
11:30ish - Arrive MHS/Dismiss
9am-5pm - BPA Concession Sells at Sweet Seasons Farm
Little Big Horn Competition at Opp HS, AL
12:15pm - Call Time
1pm - Depart for Opp HS, AL
3pm - Arrive Opp HS
3:30-6:15 - Eat at concessions and watch bands
6pm - Loading Crew to Trucks
6:15 - Meet at Trucks
7:05 - Warm-up
7:45 - PERFORM
8pm-8:45 - Watch Bands
9pm - Load Trucks
9:30 - Awards
10pm - Depart for MHS
Midnightish - Arrive MHS/Unload/Dismiss
9am-5pm - BPA Concession Sells at Sweet Seasons Farm
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Tues - Marching Band Rehearsal
Thurs - Marching Band Rehearsal
Fri - Report Cards, Fair Share Payment 4 Due ($75), AWAY Game vs Crestview
Sat - BPA Concession Sells at Sweet Seasons Farm, Tiger Invitational at Pensacola HS
Sun - BPA Concession Sells at Sweet Seasons Farm
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!