All-County Auditions - We want to wish all of our students who are auditioning for the All-County Band the best of luck this Tuesday. Those that are not auditioning, we are still in need of help during the auditions. Please sign-up on the locker room door.
Veteran's Day Parade - This Thursday is the Veteran's Day Parade. We will wear full uniform for this parade. Se itinerary below. The parade route will start at the anchor parking lot at MHS, go down Stewart Street, Left on Berryhill, through downtown Milton, and stop at Veteran's Memorial. Please make sure you secure a ride at the end of the parade. You can leave a car or pick students up at the parking lot behind the courthouse.
Fair Shares - As we close marching season, it is time to make sure all fair shares have been paid in full! We have $20,000 of fair shares still owed. You can send payments to the money box in front of the band office or CLICK HERE to pay online. We will be updating the volunteer incentives soon.
School-Owned Instrument Fee - Students that perform on school-owned instruments have a $50 rental fee due next Thursday. This money goes towards the upkeep of those instruments. We will charge these out this week.
Indoor Ensembles Rehearsals - As we transition out of marching season, we now move to the concert/indoor season. This means that instead of one ensemble with rehearsals, we now have several ensembles with varying rehearsals. It is imperative that you look through the schedule and see when your ensemble rehearses. In general, the Symphonic band is every Tuesday, Concert/Panther is every Thursday. Guard is every Tuesday & Thursday. Percussion Ensemble will be added soon. Students are expected to attend all rehearsals. Failure to attend can result in the students grade being lowered and may not be allowed to perform. The guard rehearsal begin this week and the wind ensembles begin next week.
Christmas Concert - The Christmas Concert is just around the corner on December 7th. This will be at 7pm in the Football Stadium. All students will need to make plans to help set-up on Sunday Dec. 5th at 5pm. This is the only day we have to set up. The Concert/Symphonic/Jazz band will rehearse on Monday beginning at 4pm. At 7pm, the section tree decorating will commence. We will have food trucks and a Winter Wonderland the night of the concert. The food trucks will be ready to go around 5:30pm. You don't want to miss this!
That is all for now. I hope all of you have a wonderful week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Megan Galloway - Monday
John Skultety - Monday
Emma Debellis - Tuesday
Carly Goodman - Wednesday
This Week:
All County Auditions
5:30-9pm - Colorguard Rehearsal
7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
Lumpia Fundraiser Due
Veteran's Day Parade
- 8:15 - Call Time
- 9:30 - Parade Start
- 10:15 - Parade end at Veterans Memorial (SECURE A RIDE)
Looking Ahead to Next Week
Mon - Meat Sticking
Tues - Symphonic Band Rehearsal, Guard Rehearsal
Thurs - School-Owned Instrument Fee Due, Concert/Panther Band Rehearsal, Guard Rehearsal
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!