Phenomenal concert to all of our performers Thursday night! Thank you all so much for all of your hard work to prepare for this. If you missed the concert, the videos have been uploaded to our YouTube page. Thank you to all of the parents that came out and helped with the Band Christmas party as well Friday night. We could not have done it without you!
We are winding things down at the band room for the semester very quickly with only a few more jazz band performances around the community and some indoor percussion and winterguard rehearsals.
Jazz band, remember to wear either ugly Christmas sweaters with black pants or the normal black on black for the performances this week.
Parents, I encourage you to attend the BPA meeting this Tuesday as we will be discussing the BPA Christmas party this Saturday as well as planning for the Crawfish Festival in April. Speaking of Saturday, the BPA Christmas party will be held at the Baghdad Community Center this Saturday 6pm-10pm. Parents are asked to bring a side dish, dessert, or beverage. Please click the RSVP button on the event calendar on the following link:
If you still have not turned in the trip payment that was due two weeks ago, please get that in ASAP. We will start giving you information about excursion choices soon.
Finally, we have numerous balances of fair shares due! Please get anything you can to us ASAP even if it is only a few dollars here and there. We have several bills for marching season that are due but cannot be paid without the fair shares.
That is all for this week. I hope everyone has a great week!
Happy Birthday to the following students this week according to charms:
Trysta Schaefers - Wednesday
Desraa Dix - Thursday
Brianna Goulet - Thursday
This Week:
- 9:45am-12:45 - Jazz Band Performs at Rhodes ES Lunches
- 6:30pm - Avalon Beginner Band Concert
- 6pm-9pm - IP Rehearsal
- 6pm-9pm - JV Winterguard Rehearsal
- 7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
- 3pm-4:45 - Jazz Band Performs at Berryhill Manor
- 4pm-9pm - Firehouse Subs Spirit Night
- 6:30 - Hobbs MS Concert
- 6:30 - Avalon Concert/Symphonic Cocnert
- 6pm-9pm - IP Rehearsal
- 6pm-9pm - Varsity Winterguard Rehearsal
- 12pm-1:45 - Jazz Band Performs for MHS Lunches
- 1pm-9pm - Winterguard Rehearsal
- 6pm-10pm - BPA Christmas Party @ Baghdad Community Center
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - 1st & 2nd Period Exams, IP Rehearsal
Tues - 3rd & 4th Period Exams, Winterguard Rehearsal
Wed - 5th & 6th Period Exams
Thurs-Jan 7th - Christmas Break
Together We are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!