Happy Easter to all and I hope you have been able to spend this weekend as you see fit. We are now truly in the home-stretch for the end of the school year. Please make sure you keep up with as much as possible. We will give updates to deadlines, performances, and everything else along the way.
End of year documents - Last week, we rolled out almost all of the end of the year documents. These are the Senior Last Will directions, Leadership Applications, Letter/Bar Applications, Band Captain Video directions, and Drum Major audition info. All of these documents are due by Friday, May 5th (SPRING CONCERT). We will pass out the BPA Scholarship applications to our seniors this week. All of this info is posted in the band room and on our website. Please make sure you read through all directions on everything. Of course, if you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask us.
BPA Monthly Meeting - This Tuesday is a major meeting for the Band Parent Association. We will be voting on the 2023-24 BPA board. Nominations will be taken right up to the time of the vote. If you are interested in being on the board or would like to nominate someone for next year, please let me know either through email or let me know in person by Tuesday night. We will vote at some point during the meeting. There is also, much to discuss and vote on for the end of the year as well as couple committees that need to be formed, i.e. band banquet, etc. Please make plans to attend at 7pm in the band hall.
Tri-M Talent Show - This Friday is the Tri-M Talent show. We invite everyone to come out and see all of the wonderful talents that the students of Milton HS will be showing off. This is at 7pm in the auditorium. Admission is free. We will have a snack concessions. Students, if any of you are interested in showing off a talent, please see Ms. Ruiz for an entry form. You must also submit $5 per entry. There is a cash prize of $100!
BPA Yardsale - The BPA is hosting a yardsale this Saturday 8am-3pm at the Ollie's parking lot. If you would like to donate items or would like more info , please contact Scottie Armstrong at (850)291-4800 or Arlene Wires at (850)910-5636.
FBA State MPA - The Symphonic Band will be on tour next Friday the 21st for State Concert MPA at Leon High School in Tallahassee, FL. This is a free performance and all are invited to attend if you can secure your own ride. We will be taking one charter bus for the band with VERY limited seating. Here is the itinerary:
7:30 - Call Time/ Load
8am CST - Depart for Tallahassee
12:30 EST - Arrive at Governor's Mall
12:30-1:30 Lunch at Governor's Mall
2pm - Arrive at Leon HS
3pm-4pm - Watch Bands
4:30 - Warm-up
6pm - Depart for MHS
7:30 - Arrive MHS/Unload/Go Home
Upcoming Events - Just wanted to give a rundown of all of the major events for the end of the year:
April 25th-27th - Possible Colorguard Audition Camp
April 29th - Woodwind Day
May 9th - 8th Grade Band Day
May 13th - Bud Bell Band Banquet
May 15th - Lockers Cleaned Out/Step-off Rehearsal
May 17th-19th - Percussion Audition Camp
May 20th - Leadership Camp
May 22nd, 24th-27th - Rookie Camp
That is all for now. I hope all of you have a wonderful week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Joseph Malec - Tuesday
Antonio Beare - Thursday
El Cooley - Thursday
Stephen Johnson - Saturday
This Week:
3:45-5:30 - Symphonic Woodwinds Sectional
4pm-6pm - Concert Band Rehearsal
7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
3:45 - Tri-M Meeting
3:45-5pm - Concert Woodwind Rehearsal
4pm-6pm - Symphonic Band Rehearsal
Panda Express Spirit Night
7pm - Tri-M Talent Show
8am-3pm - BPA Yardsale at Ollie's Parking Lot
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Tues - Concert Brass Rehearsal, Symphonic Band Rehearsal
Thurs - Concert Band Rehearsal
Fri - FBA State Concert MPA (Symphonic Band)
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!