Happy fall to everyone. I hope all of you are still doing well and enjoying life!
Governor's Phase 3 order - At this point I'm sure you heard about the governor's order to move the whole state into phase 3. At this time, we do not know that this means for schools, games, performances, or other areas. Currently, everything is still planned as is. We have not received word from higher up about any changes. As soon as we know more, we may adjust as we are able. Please stay tuned to news from the county as to how this will impact all areas of school.
Freshmen/JV Games - With the cancelation of the game this past week, we have decided to give everyone a chance to perform at the remaining 9th/JV home games. Pep band B and C along with all guard and percussion are still required to perform at their scheduled games; Oct 8th Pep B, Oct 22nd Pep C. If any student not scheduled to perform on those days would like to attend, you are welcome to do so! We will go over seating and everything else for these games later.
Game this Week - This Friday, we finally kickoff the football season for us with our first Home game vs Pace. All meeting time and other info for students can be found below. We will be needing lots of help in the concession area as well as chaperoning the students in the stands. Please keep an eye out for a separate email with sign-up and volunteer opportunities. Tickets for the game must be purchased prior to attending. Currently, no tickets will be sold at the gate. Keep an eye on the Milton High School Facebook page for ordering information. You can also CLICK HERE for potential ticketing info.
Meat Sticking on Tuesday - In lieu of marching band rehearsal, we have rescheduled the shish-ka-bob meat sticking for this Tuesday in the cafeteria. This is from 4pm-6pm, however, we may start at 3:30. All marching band students must attend. All non-marching band students are welcome to attend. All students will receive volunteer hours for this event. Parents are welcome to help out as well. The more help we have, the quicker we will be done. Our goal is to be finished at 6pm.
RADA Cutlery - The RADA orders have arrived. We will start handing these out on Monday after school. Remember, these orders have knives in them and we do not want students walking around school with those as you can imagine.
Band Bling - We have also received the band performance safety gear. These are the customized band masks and bell covers, as well as personalized bags for the guard and drawstring bags for everyone else. These items are required for each student to perform at games and concerts and what we informed everyone about at the beginning of August. Students will need to owe $118 or less in their band charms accounts in order to receive these. The band performance safety gear is $25 and the band shirts are $12 for a combined $37. You can pay this or the full $155 Band Fair Share by sending in cash or check with your student or paying online by CLICKING HERE. The $37 MUST be paid by this Friday so students will have the appropriate items to participate in the game.
Additional After School Rehearsals - As we get closer to the fall concert on Thursday, October 29th, we will be scheduling after school rehearsals for the Guard, Panther, Concert, and Symphonic Bands to integrate the percussion within those groups. Traditionally, the Concert Band meets on Mondays, Symphonic on Tuesdays, and Panther on Wednesdays. Guard may also have additional rehearsals to get their portion of the concert together. With the Marching Band on Tuesdays and games on some Thursdays, we will be changing some things around to fit everything in. We should have a definite schedule for these groups by the end of next week.
Percussion Auditions - All percussion students will be auditioning for band and chair placement in class on Monday, October 5th. Parents, please make sure you kido is practicing this audition music and is ready to go for these important auditions.
Shirts - We still have a few students who have not picked up their shirts because of not having the $12 paid towards their fare shares. Please make sure you get this in now. We will be wearing these shirts at all performances for the time being along with blue jeans/blue jean shorts. You can CLICK HERE for more info to get this money turned in.
BPA Freezer - The freezer that we use to store the shish-ka-bobs among other things is down. We have received estimates, but the repairs are very costly. This freezer is VITAL to us as it allows us to store the shish-ka-bobs and the other concession stand items. Without the freezer, our tradition is in jeopardy. We have decided to ask our amazing community for help. We all know times are tough, but hoping with community support, we can continue this tradition. All funds raised will be used to purchase a new freezer. Please CLICK HERE to help contribute to the GoFundMe account that has been set up for this.
That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Kaitlin Johnson - Today (Sunday)
Hudson Farkas - Monday
Alyssa Mae Tiongco - Tuesday
Alysa Gregg - Friday
This Week:
All State Honor Band 9th & 10th Grade Audition Window
All State Honor Band 9th & 10th Grade Audition Window
Dress-Up Day:
“Paint Patriots into PANTHERS”
- 12th: PURPLE
- 11th: BLACK
- 10th: GOLD
- 9th: WHITE
Dress-Up Day:
“On the Hunt for the Bronze”
- To hunt for the Bronze Helmet, wear your animal print or camouflage.
4pm-6pm - Full Band Meat Sticking
7pm - Chaperone Meeting
Dress-Up Day:
“Battle for the Bronze…It’s Gonna Get Ugly”
- Tacky Day!
Dress-Up Day:
“Nightie Night Patriots”
- Pajama Day!
Dress-Up Day:
“Fear the PINK Panther”
- Pink Out Pace
All State Jazz Band Audition Window
- Wear NEW Band Shirt, Band Masks, Blue Jeans/Blue Jean Shorts, Tennis Shoes
- Bring Water Thermos, Music, Band Bell Covers, Guard Bags
6:30 - Call Time at track
6:50 - March-in
7:30 - Kickoff
9:30ish - March-out/Dismiss
All State Jazz Band Audition Window
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Percussion Chair Placement Auditions
Tues - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
Thurs - Freshmen/JV Home Game (Pep B, Guard, Perc, Any other member)
Fri - Home Game vs Ft Walton Beach HS (Football & Cheer Senior Night)