Let me begin by saying OUTSTANDING job to all of our performers at the Milton Christmas parade last night! The community loved seeing the MB&G Band march down the street with one of the biggest attended Christmas parade to date! Thank you to all that helped us out as we made our way down Stewart Street!
Christmas Concert Festival - This Thursday, the MHS Band will be on display at the Christmas Concert Festival. The itinerary is below. Food trucks will be open at 5:30 and I invite everyone to walk through the section trees adorning the football field with the snow machines during that time as well. The Concert will begin at 6:30. We will need to clear the field and bring everything back to the band hall at the end. Students will wear full uniform, minus helmets and gloves. Students are encouraged to decorate themselves and equipment and wear a Christmas hat of some kind. Bring your blankets and enjoy some amazing music performed by our even more amazing students and get in the Christmas spirit. We will also live-stream the concert at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PeRjUT5PjU
Section Tree Decorating Contest - Each section will have their very own tree to decorated for the tree decorating contest that will go along with the Christmas Concert Festival. Students will need to see their leadership in their section to determine what is needed for their trees. The decorating is scheduled to take place this Tuesday the 8th at 6:30pm until finished at the football stadium. Judges will be the Superintendent, Dr. Karen Barber, District 1 School Board Representative, Linda Sanborn, and MHS Teacher of the Year and Art Teacher, Kenya Longmire.
Band Student Christmas Party - The Band Parent Association has secured time at Sweet Seasons Farms for the band student Christmas Party this Friday, December 11th 5pm-9pm. This is not required but is highly encouraged. Students will need to secure their own ride to the farm. This is open to all MHS Band students and is free of charge. The BPA will be providing dinner. There will be plenty of activities throughout the night including the annual kickball tournament, outside movie, bon fire, corn hole, and more. We will be following all safety guidelines as feasible! There is also a secret Santa gift exchange that students may participate. Students will need to provide a gift that is a minimum of $5 in order to participate. These gifts will be taken during the week of the party and no later than that Friday the 11th.
BPA Meeting- The BPA Meeting this Tuesday will take place in the football stadium at 7pm. Come out and get all of the updates in band program and BPA. We will NOT be live-streaming this meeting for this month.
Marching Band Pictures - All Marching Band Students will be taking the full band and section pictures next Thursday, December 17th 4pm-5:30. Students will need to bring their uniforms to school and quickly change in them at the end of the day. Leadership, please make sure you have your section pic design before picture day.
Jazz Band - The Jazz Band will be giving a performance this Sunday at First Apostolic Church in Milton. This is for their Christmas banquet. Please contact the church for information on the banquet and ways to see the jazz band if they are allowing that. See itinerary below. Do not forget to wear our jazz concert black outfits.
Band Parent Christmas Party - We invite all band parents out to the Weaver's house on Friday, December 18th at 6pm for the BPA Christmas party. More information isforthcoming. This will be a great time to introduce yourself to new people that you may not know in the MHS Band.
That is all for now. I hope you have a magical week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following student according to Charms:
Bailey Underwood - Saturday
This Week:
4pm-5:30 - Concert Band Rehearsal
5:30-7:30 - Colorguard Rehearsal
6pm-9pm - IP Rehearsal
4pm-6pm - Symphonic Band Rehearsal
6:30-finished - Tree Decorating in football stadium
7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting in football stadium
4pm-5:30 - Panther Band Rehearsal
MHS Band Christmas Concert Festival
- 5:30 - Call Time/Food trucks opened/Winter Wonderland on field opened
- 6:30 - Concert Start
- 8pmish - Concert End/Get everything back to band hall
Honey-Baked Ham FR Due
Band Student Christmas Party at Sweet Season Farms
- 5pm - Arrive at Sweet Season Farms (Secure your own Ride)
- 2260 Horn Rd, Milton, FL 32570
- 5:15-6:30 - Eat (Pizza, Desserts, Drinks)
- 6:30-8pm - Activities (Kickball, Movie by the bonfire, Cornhole)
- 8pm-8:45 - Secret Santa gift exchange
- 8:45-9pm - Clean up and depart
Jazz Band Performance at First Apostolic Church Milton
- Contact the Church for info on attending the dinner or ability to watch the jazz band
- 3:15 - Call Time/Set-up
- 4pm-4:30ish - Perform
- 4:30ish - Pack up
- 4:45-5:45ish - Eat
- 5:45ish - Dismiss
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Guard Rehearsal, IP Rehearsal
Tues - Avalon MS Live Streamed Concert, Jazz Band Performance at Lunches
Wed - Honey-Baked Ham Cards Distributed, Jazz Band Perform for teachers during lunches
Thurs - Drumline perform for ROTC Inspection, Marching Band Pictures, IP Rehearsal, Hobbs MS Christmas Concert in Auditorium
Fri - Band Parent Christmas Party at the Weaver's
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!