It's a new year and it's looking to be another great one for the Mighty Black & Gold! I hope your holidays were relaxing and fun. Now it's time to get back in the swing of things. Luckily, it's a relatively easy start with not a whole lot this week.
The biggest event this week is the start of the All-County Rehearsals. We will have a reading session at the first rehearsal this Tuesday. Attendance is, of course, required for those that made the All-County Band. If you did not make the band, you are welcome to observe the rehearsal if you would like. This will take place at the MHS band room.
Will Schork along with Mr. Weaver and I will be away to the FMEA All-State conference this Wednesday through Saturday. While we are gone, the Concert and Symphonic bands will have a few guest conductors that you will be very very familiar with. We will talk more about this in class tomorrow.
A Final thought, with each new year, we are presented with a chance to start fresh and new. I encourage you to set a goal for yourself for 2017. Not only set yourself a goal, but tell people about it so you can be held accountable and so you can hopefully get some encouragement to help you reach that goal. I promise you that if and when you accomplish your goal, you will have opened up so many more possibilities in your life and you will know that YOU can do anything! Here's to a fantastic 2017!
Happy Birthday to these students that were over the Break:
Alyssa Turner - 12/19
Luke Justice - 12/20
Emily Gentry - 12/21
Mitchel Dupre - 12/27
Andrea Weekly - 1/2
Happy Birthdays this Week:
Brooklyn Williams - Today (Sunday)
This week:
- 6pm-9pm - IP Rehearsal
- 6pm-8pm - All-County Rehearsal
- 4pm-6:30 - JV WG Practice
- 6pm-8:30 - Varsity WG Practice
- 7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting in Chorus Room
- 4pm-6:30 - JV WG Practice
- 6pm-8:30 - Varsity WG Practice
- 6pm-9pm - IP Rehearsal
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - MLK Day, IP Rehearsal
Tues - All-County Rehearsal
Thurs - All-County Rehearsal
Fri - All-County Rehearsal/Concert