Great final game everyone!! The band received a ton of compliments after our show along with during the stands. You brought it and it showed! Thank you again for your hard work this season. Thank you to the parents for all that you have done as well.
We are not quite done with marching season and we definitely are not done with band. This Saturday is the Veteran's Day parade in Milton. Pace High School will be joining us and possibly other schools. The itinerary if below. The parade will start at the bus ramp of MHS and go south on Stewart street to Berryhill. It will go left on Berryhill towards downtown then a right onto Willing in downtown Milton. The parade will stop just past the Veterans Memorial. After we are done, we will dismiss. We will have the band truck at the end of the parade route to hand out water. If you are not going to hold on to your instrument, you may put it on the truck. You will need to make sure your case gets on there before the parade starts. Parents, if you would like to help walk with the band, please sign up using the link below.
Parade Walkers Sign-up:
On Monday, the All-County auditions will take place at Milton HS. I have attached the schedule of auditions. Please make sure you arrive to your room a few minutes early just in case the rooms are running ahead of schedule. You will check in at the band room BEFORE you audition. Please make sure you wear nicer clothes for these auditions. Not formal or even semi-formal outfits, but something that will give you a good first impression. Thank you for those that have signed up to help for the auditions. I will meet with you in class to go over your responsibilities. Please make sure you wear your show shirts.
As I said earlier, band is definitely NOT over. We are now entering what is actually our busiest time of year. We take our one big marching ensemble and split that into 7 to 8 different ensembles all with their own rehearsal schedules. The indoor Winterguard will have their interest/audition camps this Tuesday through Thursday in the cafeteria 6pm-8:30. If you are interested in Winterguard and not already in the colorguard, come out and see what it is all about.
Indoor percussion is also starting up this week. This Thursday, the Black Gold Percussion Ensemble will have an interest meeting at 6:30 in the band hall. Again, if you are interested in participating in this ensemble, please go to the meeting.
Monday is the final call for all trip payments and contracts. If you have not already turned these items in, it must be received by us on Monday.
The Rada cutlery Fundraiser is in. If you have not already picked up your items, please do so ASAP. These are in the band room office. We can either give it to a parent during school or to the student at the end of the school day.
That is all for now. I hope everyone has a fantastic week!
Happy Birthday to the following students this week according to charms:
Bailey Jones - Today (Sunday)
Curry Silcox - Today (Sunday)
Garrett Wales - Monday
Madison Merritt - Wednesday
Paige Cardwell - Friday
Katelyn Durham - Saturday
Abdul Muhammad - Saturday
Savannah Weeks - Saturday
This Week:
- All-County Auditions (Times Attached)
- 6pm-8:30 - Indoor Winterguard Interest/Audition Camp
- 6pm-8:30 - Indoor Winterguard Interest/Audition Camp
- 6pm-8:30 - Indoor Winterguard Interest/Audition Camp
- 6:30 - Indoor Percussion Interest Meeting
- Veteran's Day Observed (No School)
- Veteran's Day Parade
- 8am - Call Time in Full Uniform
- 8:30 - Mass Warm-up/Block-up
- 9:30 - Parade Start
- 10:15ish - Parade end/Dismiss
- 11am - Ceremony begins - Optional stay
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Yankee Candle FR Due, Solo & Ensemble Music Sale
Tues - Concert Band Rehearsal, MHSBPA Monthly Meeting, IP Rehearsal
Thurs - IP Rehearsal
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!