Little Big Horn - AMAZING performance again at Little Big Horn this past Saturday to all of our wonderful students. We are super proud of you and your hard work getting to that point! You definitely earned another weekend of Straight Superior ratings! A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to our colorguard for winning best in class as well! Way to go. Thank you to all of our parents for your help!
Rehearsal Tuesday - Just giving everyone a heads up that Tuesday night is looking to be a bit cold. Make sure you dress accordingly. There is a chance that we may have some special drinks to keep everyone warm...insert winky face here.
Crestview Game Friday - This Friday we will be traveling to Crestview HS. This will be our final away game unless the team makes post season. See itinerary below. Students will need to wear any black shirt for this. Save the claw shirts for Saturday. Parents, CLICK HERE to sign up to chaperone or drive the trucks.
Tiger Invitational - This Saturday is the last of our competitions for Bandtober. The itinerary is below. Please note that we will be taking a special trip to Cordova Mall before we head to Pensacola HS. This is meant to be kind of a reward for students' hard work this season. Please make sure you have money to eat at concessions as well at Pensacola HS. They do take cash and credit. Ticket cost for spectators is $7. Please come out and support our MB&G in our final competition.
SRC Marching Band Exhibition - This annual event will take place on October 25th at Pace HS and will be an exhibition of all 5 high school marching bands in Santa Rosa County. This is a free event and will begin at 7pm with a simultaneous march-in of all the bands. Students will need to secure their own transportation for this! Students will need to plan to bring their own instrument with them with the exception of front ensemble. We will be taking only one truck for this. Please plan now. Call Time will be 6pm at Pace HS. We will dismiss from Pace HS to go home. The truck will need to be loaded afterwards. We will unload the truck the next day.
BPA Sweet Season Concessions - The BPA is still in need of lots of help for the concessions sales at Sweet Seasons. These sales over the years helped to purchase those amazing looking helmets and plumes we debuted at FBA. Those represent thousands of hours and hard work from our BPA. Parents, we need your help at these events to continue raising money for the rest of the uniform. Please sign up. You can use the links below:
- Saturday Oct 22nd - CLICK HERE
- Sunday Oct 23rd - CLICK HERE
- Saturday Oct 29th - CLICK HERE
- Sunday Oct 30th - CLICK HERE
Bandsgiving Dinner - We are planning a Bandsgiving dinner night at the band room on Friday, November, 4th 6pm-9pm. We will not be traveling to Godby HS for the game because of difficulty with securing buses. We are planning for this to be a pot luck style dinner for all band students and active BPA members in celebration of the season and to give thanks and appreciation for each other. There will be a list of food items that students can sign up to bring. On this list are the "normal" Thanksgiving food items like, mashed potatoes, greens, dressing, etc. There is also a signup for other items not on the list. More info will be given in class this week. This is not required.
Show Shirt Orders - This Wednesday is the last day to order the 2022-23 show shirts. All sizes are $20 each. This is the price for students as well. Money must be turned in by Wednesday as well. Cash or check only. Please make checks out to MHS Band. All money is to be turned into the money box in the band room. CLICK HERE for the order form.
Tri-M Induction Ceremony - Ms. Ruiz has been working hard on putting together the Tri-M induction ceremony. This will take place at the auditorium next Wednesday, October 26th at 4:30pm. Please plan to wear nice clothes for this. Think Sunday's best. There will be performances given throughout as well. Parents are invited to attend as well.
That is all for now. I hope you have an amazing week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Sam Minor - Thursday
Mikayla Peterson - Thursday
This Week:
6pm-8:30 - Full Marching Band Rehearsal (BRING WARM CLOTHES)
Show Shirt Orders Due (CLICK HERE for order form)
4pm-7pm - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
Report Cards
Fair Share Payment 4 Due ($75)
AWAY Game vs Crestview HS
- 5pm - Call Time
- 5:15 - Depart for CHS
- 5:45 - Arrive CHS
- 6:30 - March-in
- 7pm - Kickoff
- 10:30ish - Depart for MHS
- 11:15 - Arrive MHS/Dismiss
9am-5pm - BPA Concession Sales at Sweet Seasons Farm
Tiger Invitational at Pensacola HS
- 12:15 - Call Time
- 1pm - Depart for Cordova Mall
- 1:45-3pm - Eat and Shop at Mall
- 3pm - Depart for Pensacola HS
- 3:30 - Arrive Pensacola HS
- 3:30-6:30 - Watch Bands
- 7:30 - Warm-up
- 9pm - Tiger Trot March-off
- 9:20 - Awards
- 9:50 - Load Trucks
- 10:15 - Depart for MHS
- 11pm - Arrive MHS/Unload/Dismiss
9am-5pm - BPA Concession Sales at Sweet Season Farms
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Trip Intention Forms & Deposit Due
Tues - SRC Marching Band Exhibition at Pace HS
Wed - Tri-M Induction Ceremony
Thurs - Dress-up Marching Band Rehearsal, Year Medallion Ceremony, Halloween Movie Night
Fri - Rhodes ES Parade, Pep Rally, HOME Game vs Pace HS (Avalon MS Night)
Sat - BPA Concession Sales at Sweet Season Farms
Sun - BPA Concession Sales at Sweet Season Farms
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!