Santa Rosa Marching Band Exhibition - We invite everyone out to the 2021 Santa Rosa Marching Band Exhibition at Gulf Breeze HS this Tuesday at 6:30pm. This is a FREE performance and will include all of the marching bands from all five of SRC high schools. Please see itinerary below for students. Names will be drawn from a hat to determine performance order after all bands march-in. You don't want to miss this extraordinary event!
Pea River Marching Band Classic - This Saturday is our final marching band competition. This will be held at Elba HS in Elba, Alabama. Please make sure you look at the itinerary below carefully. Make sure you eat before we leave. Students will have an opportunity to dinner at the concessions before we perform.
Sweet Seasons - The BPA has been very busy selling concessions each weekend this month. We thank each and every one of you who have volunteered to work these events! We only have 2 more weekends left and lots of opportunities for you to help! Please consider signing up and coming out. Just click the yellow helping hand symbol under each event and sign-up.
Rehearsal Attendance - Just a reminder that it is important that all students are present for all rehearsals. We only have one rehearsal per week for the marching band now, and we need everyone there to ensure the show and any changes we make are smooth. Also, as a reminder, marching band is a co-curricular activity. This means that grades are determined by both during school and after school activities. If you miss a rehearsal, the directors reserve the right to determine performance attendance eligibility and make up procedures for these rehearsals.
Fair Shares - As the marching season begins to wine down to a close, we cannot forget to finish paying off what is left of the fair shares. It is imperative that you get these payments in ASAP. We have $8,000 worth of bills that we are sitting on for marching season and no funds to pay them. The next payment is due by next Thursday.
Parades - Just giving everyone a heads up about 2 community parades that the full marching band is involved in as part of marching season and are required. Thursday, November 11th is Veterans Day. This parade starts at 10:30am with the band meeting at 8:30am. The next is the Christmas parade on Saturday, December 4th. This one is a night time parade with the band meeting at 5pm.
That is all for now. I hope you have an extraordinary week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students this week according to Charms:
Trey Grice - Wednesday
Mikayla Peterson - Wednesday
This Week:
All County Music Distributed
Santa Rosa Marching Band Exhibition
- 4:45 - Call Time
- 5pm - Depart for MHS (Small instruments will uncase and take on bus)
- 5:45 - Arrive/Unload
- 6:30 - All 5 Bands March-in
- 6:45-8:30 - Band Perform (Order TBD from names in hat)
- 8:30ish - Depart for MHS
- 9:15 - Arrive/Unload/Dismiss
Fair Share Payment 4 Due $75
4pm-7pm - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
Reports Cards
AWAY Game vs Escambia
- 5pm - Call Time/Depart
- 5:45 - Arrive Escambia
- 7pm - Kickoff
- 10:30 - Depart for MHS
- 11:15 - Arrive MHS/Dismiss
8am-6pm - Sweet Seasons Farm BPA Concession Sales
Pea River Marching Band Classic
- 1:45 - Call Time
- 2pm - Depart for Elba HS
- 4:30 - Arrive Elba/Unload
- 4:30-5:45 - Eat Dinner/Watch Bands
- 6:20 - Warm-up
- 7:30- Watch Crestview
- 8pm - Load Truck
- 8:30-9pm - Awards
- 9:15ish - Depart for MHS
- 11:45ish - Arrive/Unload/Dismiss
10am-6pm - Sweet Seasons Farm BPA Concession Sales
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Wed - Locker Decorating Judging
Thurs - Full Marching Band Rehearsal (Dress-up Rehearsal), Year Medallion Ceremony
Fri - Pep Rally, Away Game vs Pace HS
Sat - Sweet Seasons Farm BPA Concession Sales
Sun - Sweet Seasons Farm BPA Concession Sales
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!