What a great day Saturday was! Thank you first and foremost to everyone who helped at the Crawfish festival! I heard several complements from visitors and vendors about how nice and helpful everyone was. A huge shout and thank you to our wonderful committee for helping to put this together! Kelly Henrichsen, Bill Gallaway, Sandie Kennedy, Tomena Rollo, Rhonda Harris, Andrea Mosley, Victoria Marcus, Carolyn Rogers, Ray Gentry and Candy McQuyre, THANK YOU! The number of visitors were down compared to last year but I think we still came out on top. We will hopefully have final numbers on Tuesday at the BPA Monthly meeting. Shout out to the Blackwater Beats Jazz Band for an awesome performance as well!
Speaking of BPA Meetings, please come out to the Monthly meeting this Tuesday at 7pm as we will be voting on the new board for next year. The BPA will still take nominations right up until the vote, so if you would like to run or if you think of a current band parent that would be good for one of the BPA positions, please come to the meeting and place your nominations.
Last week we sent statments home with all students that still owe fair shares to the band. If your child did not give this to you, you can look it up under their account on charms or you can email us and we will send it to you. We have several students that owe quite a bit of fair share. We need this payed off ASAP! Remember, what does it take to make this band go.....Pride, yes, but in all actuality, money. Until the county decides to pay all of our bills, we have to rely on these fair shares to continue to do what we do.
That is all for now. Have a wonderful week!
No Birthdays this week according to Charms Office
This Week:
-3:45-6pm - Concert Band Rehearsal
- 4pm-6pm - Symphonic Band Rehearsal
- 7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
- 3:45-5pm - Panther Band Rehearsal
- Firehouse Subs Spirit Night
- No Classes
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Concert Band
Tues - Symphonic Band
Wed - Panther Band
Thurs - Percussion Interest Camp
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!