Game on Friday - This Friday we play at Escambia HS. We have learned that this is also their homecoming and we are needing to perform at the end of the game. We will perform POST game right before Escambia's band. We will stick around and watch their band perform before we load and leave. If you are available to chaperone or drive the other truck, please CLICK HERE to sign up directly.
BPA Dinner - The BPA will once again serve dinner to students before we leave starting at 3:30 in room 131 across from the band room. The menu this week is Hamburgers, hotdogs, nachos, salad, fruit cups, and drinks.
Marching Band Pics - Next Monday the 26th, we will take our full marching band and section pics in the football stadium. Students will need to bring their uniforms to school to change into them right at the end. We should be done around 5:30ish.
Trip Meeting - The Mighty Black & Gold is planning to travel once again! This year we are planning to go to Disney World and Universal studios, with a parade at Disney World. More details will be given at the trip meeting on the 26th at 6:30 in the band room. Please make plans to attend if you are interested in going on the trip.
Homecoming week - Just a reminder that homecoming week is just a week away. Please make sure you know about all performances that week. Tuesday - Night Time Pep Rally (Escapades), Thursday - Long pep rally during school, Friday - Morning parade with school releasing at noon, and of course the game that night.
That is all for now. I hope all of you have an amazing week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Andres Diaz - Monday
Kaylyn Sones - Tuesday
Abigail Crosby - Wednesday
Caesar Lopez - Wednesday
Ava Phan - Wednesday
This Week:
6pm-8:30 - Marching Band Rehearsal
1:30-6pm - Shish Kabob Meat Sticking
4pm-7pm - Marching Band Rehearsal
AWAY Game vs Escambia HS
3:30-4:45 - BPA Serving Dinner for Students
5pm - Call Time
5:15 - Depart for Escambia HS
5:45 - Arriva EHS
6:30 - March-in
7pm - Kickoff
10:45 - Depart for MHS
11:30 - Arrive MHS/Unload/Dismiss
5pm-8:30 - Percussion Rehearsal
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Marching Band Pictures, Band Trip Meeting
Tues - HC Escapades (Pep Rally)
Thurs - Pep Rally, Marching Band Rehearsal
Fri - HC Parade, HOME Game vs Tate (Homecoming, Hobbs MS Night)
Together We Are THR MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!