Welcome back! I hope everyone has enjoyed your summer break so far. We have missed all of you and we are looking forward to being back together over the next three weeks. Please look through the schedule below thoroughly as we begin the most important three weeks of marching band season.
Percussion Camp - Percussion Camp resumes this week 7pm-9pm, Monday-Thursday. All percussion students must make plans to attend each day.
Wind/Guard Rehearsals - We will have two rehearsals this week for Winds & Guard. All winds and guard must make plans to attend on Tuesday and Thursday, 6pm-9pm. Winds, we will be distributing show music and hopefully try and put everything together, including percussion and guard on these nights.
UDB App - All students will need to download the UDB or Ultimate Drill Book App to whatever mobile device you will be using during band camp. This app is free and will be our primary source to set the marching drill during band camp and the rest of the season. You can see more information about this app by CLICKING HERE. We will go be going over how the app works at the Tuesday and Thursday rehearsals. ALL students will have to create a new profile within the app. This includes all returning students.
MHSBPA Monthly Meeting - This Tuesday, the BPA will hold the July monthly meeting at 7pm. We will be moving this meeting to the Chorus room since the marching band will be in the band hall. This room is located on the back of the auditorium using the left door on the outside. Right across from the softball field. Room A-2. All parents are encouraged to attend. We will not by live-streaming this meeting.
BAND CAMP - Band Camp is just one week away! Just a reminder that we will go 1pm-9pm Monday through Thursday for week one. Week 2 is 1pm-9pm Monday through Wednesday. On Thursday, July 22nd, we will have camp from 8am-Noon then the Preview Show will take place at 7pm in the MHS Stadium. All marching students MUST attend these camp days. Any student who is absent will risk their participation in the MHS Band this year.
Band Carwash - We are planning to hold the Mass Band Carwash on Saturday, July 17th. So far we have three locations, however, we are working on 2 more. Students must participate in the wash. They will sign up by seniority for the shift and location they wish to be at. We will be giving out pledge sheets this week as part of the fundraising opportunity. Our goal is to wash as many cars that day as possible. After we are done, we total everything up and that number is what is used to collect the pledges. So, if a student gets a total of $1 in pledges and we wash $300 vehicles, that student just made $300 which will go directly to their band fair share account. More will be explained at the rehearsals and BPA meeting.
Lock-in - This is just a reminder that we have moved the band lock-in/lock-out to Friday & Saturday, August 6th & 7th so far.
That is all for now. I hope all of you have a wonderful week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
America - Today
Randall Recor - Wednesday
Melia Coulter - Saturday
This Week:
7pm-9pm - Percussion Camp
6pm-9pm - Winds/Guard Rehearsal
7pm-9pm - Percussion Camp
7pm-9pm - Percussion Camp
6pm-9pm - Winds/Guard Rehearsal
7pm-9pm - Percussion Camp
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Band Camp
Tues - Band Camp, MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
Wed - Band Camp
Thurs - Band Camp
Sat - Mass Band Carwash
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!