What a great first week of band camp!! Our students worked incredibly hard and have put a good portion of our show on the field. The preview show is looking to be better and better with each passing day.
I would like to thank all of you for your understanding in cancelling the carwash this past Saturday. When we canceled, every weather app that we looked at said thunderstorms were going to be rolling in all day and wouldn't quit until late that afternoon. Of course when we watched the weather the night before, everything said the storms wouldn't begin until around 1 to 1:30, well enough time to wash plenty of cars. We tried to err on the side of caution with our decision and of course the weather was perfect by 11:30 that day. Such is Florida weather....in any case, we are in the process of possibly rescheduling the carwash for Saturday, August 31st. We will get more details out to everyone as soon as we confirm location availability. I know you may have questions about various things with that rescheduling, but please allow us to get everything together before asking. We will get this info out to you as soon as possible. Thank you to all of those that answered the call to help on that day!
THE PREVIEW SHOW IS THIS THURSDAY!! Please make plans to attend. Our students, your kidos, have been working extremely hard and are itching to show off just for you. We will be performing in the football stadium. This is a FREE event. Students will need to be in the band room at 6pm in their summer performance uniforms. Wind, Percussion, and Managers will wear their whit polo shirts which all new folks will get this week. Along with black short, mostly white shoes, and white socks. Please make sure that black shorts are dress-type shorts, cargo shorts, or jean shorts, NOT gym shorts or any kind of workout/jersey shorts. Colorguard will wear white shirts, black shorts, black socks, and black shoes.
We will not be serving food at this year's preview show. Reasons for this are that this will allow those parents who would have normally been cooking and preparing the food to watch their kids perform. Also this allows for quick clean up afterwards. The BPA will be selling drinks.
The BPA will be hosting a band family picnicthis Saturday 3pm-6pm at Russell Harbor Landing in lieu of serving food at the preview show. They will be serving hamburgers and hot dogs. The BPA will send out more information this week as to what they are asking folks to bring. Please RSVP for the event on the calendar using the RSVP icon on for that day so we can have a good number to work with to know how much food we willneed. Bring your bathing suits and lawn chairs and cornhole and footballs/frisbis and everything else. We hope to see you all there. Let's pack Russell Landing with all of our Mighty Black & Gold current and alumni students and parents!
Parents, I have attached the Santa Rosa County Volunteer form. We are asking that ALL of our band parents fill this out and turn it in to us. Santa Rosa County school board is requiring this from anyone who will be doing any kind of volunteering at MHS period. Any and all things for Milton HS will need this form. Everything! Yes, even whatever you're thinking of right now. You can turn this in to us any time this week or at the preview show. It can also be downloaded from our website by clicking HERE. Please do this now and not later so we can have all our paper work in on time.
Finally, all freshmen are encouraged to sign-up for freshmen day this Friday. Please call MHS at 983-5600 for more information. All veteran marching band members are required to participate in the pep rally on Friday. Look below for the schedule.
That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following students according to Charms:
Oakleigh Mccrory - Thursday
Ariana Hamilton - Friday
Brianna McCollum - Saturday
This Week:
-8am-9pm - Band Camp
Popcorn Fundraiser Due
-8am-9pm - Band Camp
-8am-9pm - Band Camp
-6pm - Parent Meat Sticking
-8am-Noon - Band Camp
- 6pm - Call Time
- 6:55 - March into stadium
- 7pm-8:45 - Performances
Freshmen Day Pep Rally
- Non-freshman members only perform
- 10am - Call Time in show shirt and blue jeans/blue jean shorts
- 11am-Noonish - Pep Rally
3pm-6pm - MHS Band Family Picnic @ Russell Harbor Landing
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Looking Ahead to 2 Weeks From Now:
Mon - Full Marching Band Rehearsal, Leadership Meeting
Tues - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
Thurs - Full Marching Band Rehearsal
Fri - 1st Uniform Payment Due ($75)
Sat - Waterfest (MHSBPA Volunteer Event)
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!