I hope this finds you safe and healthy and with excitement to start things back up! If you missed the parent meeting this past Thursday, I will be posting the video as soon as I can edit everything. We did pass out a parent document which you can access by CLICKING HERE. This packet has several links and to our various online locations where we post all of our information. You will also find our possible schedules for the year for both Pep Band marching band and Full Marching Band. I encourage everyone to sync our calendar to your phones using the CALENDAR SYNC page. This will allow you to automatically receive any updates we make to the calendar. Speaking of the calendar, please understand that the plan right now can change at ANY moment. We always try to make any updates at least one week before they occur. With this situation, however, we must remain fluid and observe all guidelines from Santa Rosa County and the State. We will send all updates to our various online and email sources as soon as we make them. Please see the calendar below and on our website for the schedule for this week.
Also in this packet is the band budget and fair shares. Please be advised that the first fair share of $65 is due by July 20th. The fair shares for each student this year is only $130 if we stay in pep band mode OR $200 if we are able to go to FULL marching band mode.
This week is our Rookie Camp/Percussion & Guard Camps. All New and Leadership Winds will check-in at the band room starting at 1:30. The wind rehearsal will be 2pm-4pm. All students MUST depart campus immediately after rehearsals are finished. All Percussion and Guard students, new and returning, will check-in at the band room starting at 4:30. Their rehearsals will be 5pm-7pm. Again, all students MUST depart campus immediately after rehearsals. Please don't forget to bring your own water bottles and/or towels as we will not be able to provide these as per the SRC guidelines. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids before and during these rehearsals. Also bring all instrument/sticks/equipment and folders.
July 13th will begin our first week of Band Camp in which all new AND returning winds will meet from 2pm to 4pm with check-in starting at 1:30. That same week, All Percussion and Guard will continue meeting 5pm-7pm with check-in beginning at 4:30.
We are still in the process of determining exactly what July 20th will look like. We will keep you posted of the schedule for that week.
Finally, if there is ANY prospect of parents possibly volunteering this year for MHS, please fill out the volunteer application form the county by CLICKING HERE. These forms can be turned in to us. This form must be turned in AND school board approved BEFORE you can volunteer for the new school year. Anyone that filled one out for MHS last year, is good to go UNTIL the end of July. After that, these parents must have the form turned in and approved for the new year.
The schedules below are for all Marching Band participants
This Week:
1:30 - New and Leadership Woodwinds and Brass (Rookie Camp) begin Check-in at band room then make way to Cafeteria
2pm-4pm - New and Leadership Rehearsal
4:30 - ALL Percussion & Guard Check-in at Band room
5pm-7pm - ALL Percussion & Guard Rehearsal
1:30 - Rookie Camp Check-in
2pm-4pm - Rookie Camp Rehearsal
4:30 - ALL Percussion & Guard Check-in at Band room
5pm-7pm - ALL Percussion & Guard Rehearsal
1:30 - Rookie Camp Check-in
2pm-4pm - Rookie Camp Rehearsal
4:30 - ALL Percussion & Guard Check-in at Band room
5pm-7pm - ALL Percussion & Guard Rehearsal
1:30 - Rookie Camp Check-in
2pm-4pm - Rookie Camp Rehearsal
4:30 - ALL Percussion & Guard Check-in at Band room
5pm-7pm - ALL Percussion & Guard Rehearsal
1:30 - Rookie Camp Check-in
2pm-4pm - Rookie Camp Rehearsal
4:30 - ALL Percussion & Guard Check-in at Band room
5pm-7pm - ALL Percussion & Guard Rehearsal
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - All New and Returning Woodwinds and Brass Rehearsal, All Percussion and Guard
Tues - All New and Returning Woodwinds and Brass Rehearsal, All Percussion and Guard
Wed - All New and Returning Woodwinds and Brass Rehearsal, All Percussion and Guard
Thurs - All New and Returning Woodwinds and Brass Rehearsal, All Percussion and Guard
Fri - All New and Returning Woodwinds and Brass Rehearsal, All Percussion and Guard