Please read everything below for the run down of this week.
Individual Band Pics - Kay Brown photography will be at the band room on the 19th and 20th to take individual band photos. We will have order forms this week to give to students and return on picture day. Students will need to have their uniforms ready on these days. All students will have their picture taken whether you are ordering or not. These will start at 8:30am and during each band class.
Best of the West Jazz Competition - The Jazz Band will be giving a performance at Harborwalk Village in Destin on January 22nd. We are still waiting to receive our performance time. The event will begin at 11am and end at 5pm and if FREE to the public. All are welcome to drive over and watch. The itinerary for the Jazz Band so far is as follows:
9am- call time at the band room (Jazz Uniform)
9:15 - Depart for Harborwalk Village
10:30 - Arrive Harborwalk Village
11am-5pm - Performance/Watch bands and eat (BRING MONEY)
4:30ish - Award Ceremony
5:15 - Depart for MHS
6:30 - Arrive/Unload/Go Home
Solo and Ensemble - Anyone interested in performing in the FBA Solo & Ensemble MPA on February 12th will need to turn in the form by next Tuesday, January 18th. CLICK HERE for more information.
Show Shirts on Sale - We have extra 2021-22 show shirts on sale for $17 each. We have all sizes except XS. These will be sold on a first come/first served basis. We take cash or check. Please give the money directly to Mr. Schultz to receive your shirt.
MHSBPA Monthly Meeting - This Tuesday at 7pm is the January BPA meeting. Please make plans to attend as we will be going over what to expect for the semester.
That is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful week!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following student according to Charms:
Nate Lewis - Saturday
This Week:
USM All-South Registration Deadline
6pm-9pm - Guard Rehearsal
6:30-8:30 - Black Gold Perc Ensemble Rehearsal
4pm-6pm - Jazz Band Rehearsal
6:30-8:30 - Black Gold Perc Ensemble Rehearsal
7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
FMEA All-State Conference
FMEA All-State Conference
6pm-9pm - Guard Rehearsal
Report Cards
FMEA All-State Conference
FMEA All-State Conference
Looking Ahead to Next Week
Mon - MLK Day No Classes
Tues - Jazz Band Rehearsal, Liquid Gold Perc. Rehearsal
Wed - Individual Band Pictures
Thurs - Individual Band Pictures, All-County Rehearsal, Guard Rehearsal
Sat - Best of the West Jazz Competition
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!